Category:World of Warcraft API/Removed Functions
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Place functions here that have been renamed or removed from the API.
- A
- BuyPetition(arenaFormat, "teamName") - Purchases an arena team charter (removed 4.0)
- BuyRandomPicks(count) - Buys the requested amount of random lottery picks (removed 2.3)
- CalendarGetDay(monthOffset, day) - Retrieves info for the specified calendar day (removed 3.1.3)
- CraftIsPetTraining() - Determines if the current 'crafting' skill is for pet training (removed 3.0)
- DefaultBindings() - Loads WoW default key bindings, fires UPDATE_BINDINGS (removed 3.2.0)
- Duel(playerName) - Invites the specified player to a duel (removed ???)
- EnablePVP() - Flags or unflags the user for PvP combat (removed 1.4.0)
- G
- GetActionSelfCastKey() - Gets the key that activates self cast, default key is ALT (removed 2.2.0)
- GetArenaCurrency() - Gets the number of spendable arena points for the player (removed 4.0.1)
- GetAutoLootDefault() - Gets the state of Auto Loot. (removed 3.0)
- GetAutoLootToggleKey() - Gets the key binding for Auto loot (removed 2.2.0)
- GetAvailableRoles() - Gets set of LFG roles your character may fulfill (removed 4.0.1)
- GetBattleFieldInstanceRunTime() - Get time in ms since open of battlefield (removed 3.2.0)
- GetBuildVersion() - Returns the current game version as a string (removed 1.3.0)
- GetCraftRecipeLink(index) - Gets the an 'enchantLink' for a craft (removed 3.0)
- GetCurrentPosition("unit") - Returns the position of a unit relative to the world (removed 1.3.0)
- GetDate() - Gets the build date of the current version of WoW (removed 1.3.0)
- GetHonorCurrency() - Gets the amount of spendable honor points the player has (removed 4.0)
- GetPlayerBuffName(id, or "name"[,"rank"]) - Gets a buff name and rank (removed 3.0)
- L
- LaunchURL("url") - Opens a link in an external web browser (removed 1.10.0)
- Region GetName() - Get the region object name. (moved 1.10.0)
- ResetBindings - (removed )
- SetGuildBankTabWithdraw - (removed )
- SplitMoney - (removed )
- TargetUnitsPet - (removed )
- ToggleCombatLog - (removed )
- UIFrameFadeUpdate - (removed )
- UnitFacing - (removed )
Pages in category "World of Warcraft API/Removed Functions"
The following 75 pages are in this category, out of 75 total.
- GameTooltip:SetPlayerBuff
- GetActionSelfCastKey
- GetArenaCurrency
- GetAutoLootDefault
- GetAutoLootToggleKey
- GetAvailableRoles
- GetBattleFieldInstanceRunTime
- GetBuildVersion
- GetCraftDescription
- GetCraftDisplaySkillLine
- GetCraftInfo
- GetCraftItemLink
- GetCraftName
- GetCraftNumReagents
- GetCraftReagentInfo
- GetCraftReagentItemLink
- GetCraftRecipeLink
- GetCraftSkillLine
- GetCraftSpellFocus
- GetCurrentPosition
- GetDate
- GetHonorCurrency
- GetInspectPVPRankProgress
- GetLFGResults
- GetLFGTypeEntries
- GetLookingForGroup
- GetNumCrafts
- GetNumLFGResults
- GetNumPartyMembers
- GetNumRaidMembers
- GetPetLoyalty
- GetPetTrainingPoints
- GetPlayerBuff
- GetPlayerBuffName
- GetPlayerBuffTexture
- GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft
- GetPVPLastWeekStats
- GetPVPThisWeekStats
- GetTradeSkillItemStats