Category: Combat |
Fires when player's faction changes. i.e.: "Your reputation with Timbermaw Hold has very slightly increased." -- NEW 1.9
Category: Honor,Combat |
Fired when the player gains any amount of honor, anything from an honorable kill to bonus honor awarded.
Category: Combat |
<Added in Patch 2.4.0> See API COMBAT LOG EVENT.
Category: Combat |
<Added in Patch 2.4.0> See API COMBAT LOG EVENT.
Category: Combat |
<Added in Patch 1.12>
arg3 does NOT return amount absorbed since at least patch 2.4
Category: Combat |
Fired when a duel is finished.
Category: Combat |
Fired when the player returns in bounds after being out of bounds during a duel.
Category: Combat |
Fired when the player leaves the bounds of the duel
Category: Combat |
Fired when the player is challenged to a duel
Category: Combat,Pet |
Fired when the player's pet begins attacking.
Category: Combat,Pet |
Fired when the player's pet ceases attack
Category: Player,Combat |
Fires after the PLAYER_CONTROL_LOST event, when control has been restored to the player.
Category: Player,Combat |
Fires whenever the player is unable to control the character. Examples are when afflicted by fear, mind controlled, or when using a taxi.
Category: Combat |
Fired when a player engages auto-attack. Note that firing a gun or a spell, or getting aggro, does NOT trigger this event. From a post by Dhrago on the WoW forums:
Category: Combat,Unit Info |
This event is fired whenever the player's focus target (/focus) is changed, including when the focus target is lost or cleared.
Category: Combat |
Fired when the player leaves combat through death, defeat of opponents, or an ability. Does not fire if a player flees from combat on foot.
Category: Player,Combat |
Fired whenever you enter combat, as normal regen rates are disabled during combat. This means that either you are in the hate list of a NPC or that you've been taking part in a pvp action (either as attacker or victim).
Category: Player,Combat |
Fired after ending combat, as regen rates return to normal. Useful for determining when a player has left combat. This occurs when you are not on the hate list of any NPC, or a few seconds after the latest pvp attack that you were involved with.
Category: Combat,Unit Info |
This event is fired whenever the player's target is changed, including when the target is lost.
Category: Unit Info,Combat |
Fired when an npc or player participates in combat and takes damage
Category: Unit Info,Combat |