Category: Quest |
This event fires whenever the player accepts a quest.
Category: Quest |
This event fires when an escort quest is started by another player. A dialog appears asking if the player also wants to start the quest.
Category: Quest |
Fired after the player hits the "Continue" button in the quest-information page, before the "Complete Quest" button. In other words it fires when you are given the option to complete a quest, but just before you actually complete the quest (as stated above). |
Category: Quest |
Fired after the player hits the "Complete Quest" button in the quest-information page, when quest is recorded as done. |
Category: Quest |
Fired whenever Quest POIs change. For example after accepting an quest. |
Category: Quest |
Fired when the data requested by QueryQuestsCompleted() is available. |
Category: Quest |
Fired when the player is given a more detailed view of his quest.
Category: Quest |
Fired whenever the quest frame changes (Detail to Progress to Reward, etc.) or is closed.
Category: Quest |
Fired when talking to an NPC that offers or accepts more than one quest, i.e. has more than one active or available quest.
Category: Quest |
Fired when the quest items are updated
Category: Quest |
This event is fired very often. This includes, but is not limited to: viewing a quest for the first time in a session in the Quest Log; (once for each quest?) every time the player changes zones across an instance boundary; every time the player picks up a non-grey item; every time after the player completes a quest goal, such as killing a mob for a quest. It also fires whenever the player (or addon using the CollapseQuestHeader or ExpandQuestHeader() functions) collapses or expands any zone header in the quest log.
Category: Quest |
Fired when a player is talking to an NPC about the status of a quest and has not yet clicked the complete button. |
Category: Quest |
Fired just before a quest goal was completed. At this point the game client's quest data is not yet updated, but will be after a subsequent QUEST_LOG_UPDATE event.