Category: Item,Loot |
Fired when the game attempts to autobind bind-on-equip items.
Category: Loot |
Fired when a player cancels a roll on an item
Category: Loot |
Fired when loot text is sent to the chat window (someone selects need, greed, passes, rolls, receives). This also fires messages like "Person creates <item>" via tradeskills, and "Person receives <item>" via a trade window.
Category: Loot |
Fired when a unit loots money.
Category: Loot |
<Added in patch 3.3>
Note that arg2 should always be 3. In other cases the event "CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL" would be fired.
Category: Loot |
Fires when you try to roll "need" or "greed" for and item which Binds on Pickup.
Note that arg2 should never be 3. In that case the event "CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL" would be fired.
Category: Loot,Item |
Fired when the player attempts to equip bind on equip loot.
Category: Loot |
Fired when the player attempts to take 'bind-on-pickup' loot
Category: Loot |
Fired when a player ceases looting a corpse. Note that this will fire before the last CHAT_MSG_LOOT event for that loot.
Category: Loot |
Fired when a corpse is looted
Category: Loot |
Fired when loot is removed from a corpse.
Category: Loot |
Category: Loot |
Category: Party,Loot |
Fired when the party's loot method changes
Category: Loot |
Fired when a group loot item is being rolled on.
Category: Loot |