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(See EditBox object information for details)
Inherited UIObject Methods[edit]
- UIObject:GetAlpha
- UIObject:GetName
- UIObject:GetObjectType() - Get the type of this object - New in 1.10
- UIObject:IsObjectType("type") - Determine if this object is of the specified type, or a subclass of that type - New in 1.10.
- UIObject:SetAlpha
Inherited FontInstance Methods[edit]
- FontInstance:GetFont
- FontInstance:GetFontObject
- FontInstance:GetJustifyH
- FontInstance:GetJustifyV
- FontInstance:GetShadowColor
- FontInstance:GetShadowOffset
- FontInstance:GetSpacing
- FontInstance:GetTextColor
- FontInstance:SetFont
- FontInstance:SetFontObject
- FontInstance:SetJustifyH
- FontInstance:SetJustifyV
- FontInstance:SetShadowColor
- FontInstance:SetShadowOffset
- FontInstance:SetSpacing
- FontInstance:SetTextColor
Inherited Region Methods[edit]
- Region:ClearAllPoints
- Region:GetBottom
- Region:GetCenter
- Region:GetHeight
- Region:GetLeft
- Region:GetNumPoints
- Region:GetParent
- Region:GetPoint
- Region:GetRight
- Region:GetTop
- Region:GetWidth
- Region:Hide
- Region:IsShown
- Region:IsVisible
- Region:SetAllPoints
- Region:SetHeight
- Region:SetParent
- Region:SetPoint
- Region:SetWidth
- Region:Show
Inherited Frame Methods[edit]
- Frame:CreateFontString(["name"[,"layer"]]) - Create and return a new FontString as a child of this Frame.
- Frame:CreateTexture(["name"[,"layer"]]) - Create and return a new Texture as a child of this Frame.
- Frame:CreateTitleRegion
- Frame:DisableDrawLayer("layer") - Disable rendering of regions in the specified draw layer.
- Frame:EnableDrawLayer("layer") - Enable rendering of regions in the specified draw layer.
- Frame:EnableKeyboard(enableFlag) - Set whether this frame will get keyboard input.
- Frame:EnableMouse(enableFlag) - Set whether this frame will get mouse input.
- Frame:EnableMouseWheel(enableFlag) - Set whether this frame will get mouse wheel events.
- Frame:GetBackdrop
- Frame:GetBackdropBorderColor
- Frame:GetBackdropColor
- Frame:GetChildren() - Get children of this frame.
- Frame:GetEffectiveScale() - Get the scale factor of this object relative to the root window.
- Frame:GetFrameLevel() - Get the level of this frame.
- Frame:GetFrameStrata() - Get the strata of this frame.
- Frame:GetFrameType() - Get the type of this frame.
- Frame:GetHitRectInsets
- Frame:GetID() - Get the ID of this frame.
- Frame:GetMaxResize
- Frame:GetMinResize
- Frame:GetNumChildren() - Get the number of children this frame has.
- Frame:GetNumRegions() - Return the number of Regions that are children of this frame.
- Frame:GetRegions() - Return the regions of the frame (multiple return values).
- Frame:GetScale() - Get the scale factor of this object relative to its parent.
- Frame:GetScript("handler") - Get the function for one of this frame's handlers.
- Frame:GetTitleRegion
- Frame:HasScript("handler") - Return true if the frame can be given a handler of the specified type (NOT whether it actually HAS one, use GetScript for that) - Since 1.8.
- Frame:IsClampedToScreen
- Frame:IsFrameType("type") - Determine if this frame is of the specified type, or a subclass of that type.
- Frame:IsKeyboardEnabled
- Frame:IsMouseEnabled
- Frame:IsMouseWheelEnabled
- Frame:IsMovable() - Determine if the frame can be moved.
- Frame:IsResizable() - Determine if the frame can be resized.
- Frame:IsToplevel
- Frame:IsUserPlaced() - Determine if this frame has been relocated by the user.
- Frame:Lower() - Lower this frame behind other frames.
- Frame:Raise() - Raise this frame above other frames.
- Frame:RegisterAllEvents
- Frame:RegisterEvent("event") - Indicate that this frame should be notified when event occurs.
- Frame:RegisterForDrag("buttonType"[,"buttonType"...]) - Inidicate that this frame should be notified of drag events for the specified buttons.
- Frame:SetBackdrop([backdropTable]) - Set the backdrop of the frame according to the specification provided.
- Frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b[,a]) - Set the frame's backdrop's border's color.
- Frame:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b[,a]) - Set the frame's backdrop color.
- Frame:SetClampedToScreen
- Frame:SetFrameLevel(level) - Set the level of this frame (determines which of overlapping frames shows on top).
- Frame:SetFrameStrata("strata") - Set the strata of this frame.
- Frame:SetHitRectInsets
- Frame:SetID(id) - Set the ID of this frame.
- Frame:SetMaxResize(maxWidth,maxHeight) - Set the maximum dimensions this frame can be resized to.
- Frame:SetMinResize(minWidth,minHeight) - Set the minimum dimensions this frame can be resized to.
- Frame:SetMovable(isMovable) - Set whether the frame can be moved.
- Frame:SetResizable(isResizable) - Set whether the frame can be resized.
- Frame:SetScale(scale) - Set the scale factor of this frame relative to its parent.
- Frame:SetScript("handler",function) - Set the function to use for a handler on this frame.
- Frame:SetToplevel
- Frame:SetUserPlaced(isUserPlaced) - Set whether the frame has been relocated by the user (and will thus be saved in the layout cache).
- Frame:StartMoving() - Start moving this frame.
- Frame:StartSizing("point") - Start sizing this frame using the specified anchor point.
- Frame:StopMovingOrSizing() - Stop moving and/or sizing this frame.
- Frame:UnregisterAllEvents() - Indicate that this frame should no longer be notified when any events occur.
- Frame:UnregisterEvent("event") - Indicate that this frame should no longer be notified when event occurs.
EditBox Methods[edit]
- EditBox:AddHistoryLine("text") - Add text to the edit history.
- EditBox:ClearFocus()
- EditBox:GetAltArrowKeyMode
- EditBox:GetBlinkSpeed
- EditBox:GetHistoryLines() - Get the number of history lines for this edit box
- EditBox:GetInputLanguage() - Get the input language (locale based not in-game)
- EditBox:GetMaxBytes
- EditBox:GetMaxLetters
- EditBox:GetNumLetters() - Gets the number of letters in the box.
- EditBox:GetNumber()
- EditBox:GetText() - Get the current text contained in the edit box.
- EditBox:GetTextInsets
- EditBox:HighlightText([startPos,endPos]) - Set the highlight to all or some of the edit box text.
- EditBox:Insert("text") - Insert text into the edit box.
- EditBox:IsAutoFocus
- EditBox:IsMultiLine
- EditBox:IsNumeric
- EditBox:IsPassword
- EditBox:SetAltArrowKeyMode
- EditBox:SetAutoFocus
- EditBox:SetBlinkSpeed
- EditBox:SetFocus()
- EditBox:SetHistoryLines() - Set the number of history lines to remember.
- EditBox:SetMaxBytes(maxBytes) - Set the maximum byte size for entered text.
- EditBox:SetMaxLetters(maxLetters) - Set the maximum number of letters for entered text.
- EditBox:SetMultiLine
- EditBox:SetNumber(number)
- EditBox:SetNumeric
- EditBox:SetPassword
- EditBox:SetText("text") - Set the text contained in the edit box.
- EditBox:SetTextInsets(l,r,t,b)
- EditBox:ToggleInputLanguage()
Script Handlers[edit]
Inherited Frame Script Handlers[edit]
- OnChar
- OnDragStart
- OnDragStop
- OnEnter
- OnEvent
- OnHide
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyUp
- OnLeave
- OnLoad
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseUp
- OnMouseWheel
- OnReceiveDrag
- OnShow
- OnSizeChanged
- OnUpdate