WildStar:API TYPE Item
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The item GameLib type, used to hold information about a particular item in the world.
- CanAutoSalvage
- CanDelete
- CanEquip
- CanMoveToSupplySatchel
- CanSalvage
- CanTakeFromSupplySatchel
- GetActivateSpell
- GetAdditiveInfo
- GetArmor
- GetAvailableDyeChannel
- GetBackpackCount
- GetBagSlots
- GetBuyPrice
- GetCharges
- GetChatLinkString
- GetDetailedInfo
- GetDurability
- GetDurationRemaining
- GetDurationTotal
- GetEmptySockets
- GetEquippedCount
- GetEquippedItemForItemType
- GetEquipSpell
- GetGivenQuest
- GetGlobalCatalystInfo
- GetGlyphBonus
- GetGlyphInfo
- GetHousingDecorInfoId
- GetIcon
- GetInventoryId
- GetItemCategory
- GetItemCategoryName
- GetItemFamily
- GetItemFamilyName
- GetItemFlavor
- GetItemId
- GetItemPower
- GetItemQuality
- GetItemType
- GetItemTypeName
- GetMaxCharges
- GetMaxDurability
- GetMaxStackCount
- GetMicrochipInfo
- GetName
- GetPowerLevel
- GetProcSpell
- GetProficiencyInfo
- GetRepairCost
- GetRequiredClass
- GetRequiredFaction
- GetRequiredLevel
- GetRequiredRace
- GetReturnTimeRemaining
- GetSellPrice
- GetSetBonuses
- GetSigils
- GetSlot
- GetSlotName
- GetStackCount
- GetWeaponDamageMax
- GetWeaponDamageMin
- GetWeaponPower
- GetWeaponSpeed
- HasRestockingFee
- IsAuctionable
- IsCommodity
- isData
- IsDestroyOnLogout
- IsDestroyOnZone
- IsEquippable
- isGlyphData
- isInstance
- isModdableData
- IsSoulbound
- IsUnique
- MoveToSupplySatchel
- PlayEquipSound
- TakeFromSupplySatchel