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Adds a link with an html id= to a wiki page, that is referable via link with an # (anchor). Optionally create complex links and ids for technical pages. See {{WildStar/api}} or Category:Link helper templates for helper templates for regular links.

1= [text] - name for page link, text, and id. Not used in text or id, if parts 2, 3 or 4 are used
2= [text] (Optional) - second part
3= [text] (Optional) - third part
4= [text] (Optional) - fourth part
t= [member,method] (Optional) - delimiter for text and id. Only between parts 2, 3, 4. Default is member

Link accessible via #AMP:Detonate (click and page will move there)



1= Special link part names:
  • API - A UI API api page link. Defaults to t=member (.). Omits |2= in link text if 3 or 4 parts
  • API TYPE - A API types page link. Defaults to t=method (:). Omits |2= in link text if 3 or 4 parts
  • API EVENT - A API events page link. Defaults to t=member (.). Omits del |2= in link text if 3 or 4 parts
  • CVAR - A CVars page link. Defaults to t=member (.).
  • APIT - short-hand for API TYPE. Otherwise works the same and produces same links.
  • APIE - short-hand for API EVENT. Otherwise works the same and produces same links.
Results samples
{{id|Apollo}} - link: Apollo, id: Apollo, text: Apollo
{{id|Apollo Bob}} - link: Apollo Bob, id: Apollo Bob, text: Apollo Bob
{{id|CVAR|assistAttack}} - link: CVAR assistAttack, id: assistAttack, text: assistAttack
{{id|CVAR|ui|setting}} - link: CVAR ui.setting, id: ui.setting, text: ui.setting
{{id|API|Apollo|SetAlpha}} - link: API Apollo SetAlpha, id: Apollo.SetAlpha, text: Apollo.SetAlpha
{{id|API|Apollo|SetAlpha|t=method}} - link: API Apollo SetAlpha, id: Apollo:SetAlpha, text: Apollo:SetAlpha
