WoW API: GetMapZones
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← WoW API < GetMapZones
Returns the zone names of a continent
zone_1, zone_2, ..., zone_N = GetMapZones(continentIndex);
- Arguments
- (continentIndex)
- continentIndex
- Number - Which continent to fetch the zone list from (continent indexes refer to the result of GetMapContinents()). Currently the values are 1 for Kalimdor, 2 for Eastern Kingdoms, and 3 is for Outlands (without Twisting Nether).
- Returns
- zone_1, zone_2, ..., zone_N
- zone_i
- String - The name of the i'th zone within the continent (i corresponds to the value GetCurrentMapZone() returns)
- Example 1
local function LoadZones(c, ...) for i=1,select('#', ...),1 do c[i] = select(i,...) end end local C1 = {} local C2 = {} local C3 = {} local C4 = {} LoadZones(C1,GetMapZones(1)) LoadZones(C2,GetMapZones(2)) LoadZones(C3,GetMapZones(3)) LoadZones(C4,GetMapZones(4))
- Result
The array C1 holds all a list of all zone names for Kalimdore, C2 for Eastern Kingdoms, C3 for Outland, and C4 for Northrend.
- Example 2
ZoneNames = {}; function LoadZones(...) for i=1, arg.n, 1 do ZoneNames[i] = arg[i]; end end LoadZones(GetMapZones(2)); -- Eastern Kingdoms
Note that this is equivalent to
ZoneNames = { GetMapZones(2) } ;
- Result
The array ZoneNames holds all available zone names of the Eastern Kingdoms: ZoneNames[1] == "Alterac Mountains" ZoneNames[2] == "Arathi Highlands" ... ZoneNames[25] == "Wetlands"
- Details
- There are a different number of zones on each continent and these may change without notice as new content is added. Use the name of a zone if you wish to make your code future-proof.
- Beware : zone names depend on locale, and zone number too because GetMapZones() returns them in alphabetical order. So french and german clients do not have the zones returned in the same order than english ones, see the table of localized map zones.