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Welcome to the User Interface FAQ for Blizzard's World of Warcraft!
The UI FAQ is posted here on WoWWiki as well as on Blizzard's UI & Macros Forum and at
Some of the texts will direct you to "post follow-ups" and the like, which are referring one of those two forums.
Top 5 Way-Too-Frequently Asked Questions[edit]
How do I use a trinket in a macro?
- - /use <your trinket>
What UI is this? [link of a 500mb video of someone else playing WoW]
- - Take a screenshot to post and ask again.
- - Try asking in the realm specific forum of the particular user who has a UI you are interested in.
- - Create a character on the specific realm of the particular user who has a UI you are interested in. Then send an in-game mail to that user kindly inquiring about their UI. There is a very high likelihood the user will be more than willing to help you out.
How do I change the look of things? Like my armor, weapons, mount, or myself?
- - Since patch 1.1 it has become much harder to do so. It is also against the EULA.
How do I wait in a macro to cast a spell later?
- - You can't. For one, spells can only be initiated by user actions, such as clicks; UI cannot start spellcasting itself. For two, AddOns and scripts embed into macros (via /script) can no longer initiate spell casts as of version 2.0.1.
How do I switch main hand to offhand weapon?
- - /script PickupInventoryItem(16) PickupInventoryItem(17)
- NB: this no longer functions in combat; swapping main- and off-hand weapons in combat can only be done manually.
Choose a section[edit]
- AddOns FAQ
- World of Warcraft AddOns FAQ
- Macros and Scripts FAQ
- World of Warcraft Macros and Scripts FAQ
- AddOn Author Resources
- Resources for World of Warcraft AddOn authors
- Also visit:, #wowuidev