WoW API: GetLocale
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← WoW API < GetLocaleReturns information about the client locale.
locale = GetLocale();
The locale is what makes it possible to know what language the interface is using and thus determine which specific code is going to be executed in a localized addon.
Typically, this is used in a GetLocale block:
if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
-- things for the french client
-- for the rest, usually english since it's the default language
- "frFR": French (France)
- "deDE": German (Germany)
- "enGB": English (Great Britain) if returned, can substitute 'enUS' for consistancy
- "enUS": English (America)
- "itIT": Italian (Italy)
- "koKR": Korean (Korea) RTL - right-to-left
- "zhCN": Chinese (China) (simplified) implemented LTR left-to-right in WoW
- "zhTW": Chinese (Taiwan) (traditional) implemented LTR left-to-right in WoW
- "ruRU": Russian (Russia)
- "esES": Spanish (Spain)
- "esMX": Spanish (Mexico)
- "ptBR": Portuguese (Brazil)