< WoWBench
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WoWBench » Progress
This is an overview of WoW API function implementation status in WoWBench.
Yes - there's plenty of unimplemented functions and duds, but, frankly, you just don't use most of them in your mods. As usual, if you do need something that's not implemented already, feel free to help out!
WoWBench API implementation progress
Current totals as of 16:28, 27 August 2006 (EDT):
- ♦ Not implemented: 819
- ♦ Duds (fakes): 142
- ♦ Semi-functional: 28
- ♦ Fully functional: 116
- ♦ Missing src tag: 1
- ♦ AbandonQuest
- ♦ AbandonSkill
- ♦ AcceptAreaSpiritHeal
- ♦ AcceptBattlefieldPort
- ♦ AcceptDuel
- ♦ AcceptGroup
- ♦ AcceptGuild
- ♦ AcceptQuest
- ♦ AcceptResurrect
- ♦ AcceptSkillUps
- ♦ AcceptTrade
- ♦ AcceptXPLoss
- ♦ ActionHasRange
- ♦ AddChatWindowChannel
- ♦ AddChatWindowMessages
- ♦ AddFriend
- ♦ AddIgnore
- ♦ AddOrDelIgnore
- ♦ AddQuestWatch
- ♦ AddSkillUp
- ♦ AddTradeMoney
- ♦ AppendToFile
- ♦ AssistByName
- ♦ AssistUnit
- ♦ AttackTarget
- ♦ AutoEquipCursorItem
- ♦ BankButtonIDToInvSlotID
- ♦ BeginTrade
- ♦ BindEnchant
- ♦ BuyGuildCharter
- ♦ BuyMerchantItem
- ♦ BuySkillTier
- ♦ BuyStableSlot
- ♦ BuyTrainerService
- ♦ BuybackItem
- ♦ CalculateAuctionDeposit
- ♦ CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart
- ♦ CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop
- ♦ CameraZoomIn
- ♦ CameraZoomOut
- ♦ CanEditGuildInfo
- ♦ CanEditMOTD
- ♦ CanEditOfficerNote
- ♦ CanEditPublicNote
- ♦ CanGuildDemote
- ♦ CanGuildInvite
- ♦ CanGuildPromote
- ♦ CanGuildRemove
- ♦ CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup
- ♦ CanMerchantRepair
- ♦ CanSendAuctionQuery
- ♦ CanShowResetInstances
- ♦ CanSignPetition
- ♦ CanViewOfficerNote
- ♦ CancelAreaSpiritHeal
- ♦ CancelAuction
- ♦ CancelDuel
- ♦ CancelLogout
- ♦ CancelMeetingStoneRequest
- ♦ CancelPendingEquip
- ♦ CancelPlayerBuff
- ♦ CancelSkillUps
- ♦ CancelTrackingBuff
- ♦ CancelTrade
- ♦ CancelTradeAccept
- ♦ CastPetAction
- ♦ CastShapeshiftForm
- ♦ CastSpell
- ♦ CastSpellByName
- ♦ ChangeActionBarPage
- ♦ ChangeChatColor
- ♦ ChannelBan
- ♦ ChannelInvite
- ♦ ChannelKick
- ♦ ChannelModerate
- ♦ ChannelModerator
- ♦ ChannelMute
- ♦ ChannelToggleAnnouncements
- ♦ ChannelUnban
- ♦ ChannelUnmoderator
- ♦ ChannelUnmute
- ♦ CheckBinderDist
- ♦ CheckInbox
- ♦ CheckInteractDistance
- ♦ CheckPetUntrainerDist
- ♦ CheckReadyCheckTime
- ♦ CheckSpiritHealerDist
- ♦ CheckTalentMasterDist
- ♦ ClearInspectPlayer
- ♦ ClearSendMail
- ♦ ClearTarget
- ♦ ClearTutorials
- ♦ ClickAuctionSellItemButton
- ♦ ClickSendMailItemButton
- ♦ ClickStablePet
- ♦ ClickTargetTradeButton
- ♦ ClickTradeButton
- ♦ CloseAuctionHouse
- ♦ CloseBankFrame
- ♦ CloseBattlefield
- ♦ CloseCraft
- ♦ CloseGossip
- ♦ CloseGuildRegistrar
- ♦ CloseGuildRoster
- ♦ CloseItemText
- ♦ CloseLoot
- ♦ CloseMail
- ♦ CloseMerchant
- ♦ ClosePetStables
- ♦ ClosePetition
- ♦ CloseQuest
- ♦ CloseTabardCreation
- ♦ CloseTaxiMap
- ♦ CloseTrade
- ♦ CloseTradeSkill
- ♦ CloseTrainer
- ♦ CollapseCraftSkillLine
- ♦ CollapseFactionHeader
- ♦ CollapseQuestHeader
- ♦ CollapseSkillHeader
- ♦ CollapseTradeSkillSubClass
- ♦ CollapseTrainerSkillLine
- ♦ CompleteQuest
- ♦ ConfirmAcceptQuest
- ♦ ConfirmBindOnUse
- ♦ ConfirmBinder
- ♦ ConfirmLootRoll
- ♦ ConfirmPetUnlearn
- ♦ ConfirmReadyCheck
- ♦ ConfirmSummon
- ♦ ConfirmTalentWipe
- ♦ ConsoleExec
- ♦ ContainerIDToInventoryID
- ♦ ConvertToRaid
- ♦ CreateFont
- ♦ CreateFrame
- ♦ CreateMacro
- ♦ CreateMiniWorldMapArrowFrame
- ♦ CreateWorldMapArrowFrame
- ♦ CursorCanGoInSlot
- ♦ CursorHasItem
- ♦ CursorHasMoney
- ♦ CursorHasSpell
- ♦ DeclineGroup
- ♦ DeclineGuild
- ♦ DeclineQuest
- ♦ DeclineResurrect
- ♦ DelIgnore
- ♦ DeleteCursorItem
- ♦ DeleteFile
- ♦ DeleteGMTicket
- ♦ DeleteInboxItem
- ♦ DeleteMacro
- ♦ DemoteAssistant
- ♦ DisableAddOn
- ♦ DisableAllAddOns
- ♦ DisplayChannelOwner
- ♦ DoCraft
- ♦ DoEmote
- ♦ DoReadyCheck
- ♦ DoTradeSkill
- ♦ DropCursorMoney
- ♦ DropItemOnUnit
- ♦ EditMacro
- ♦ EnableAddOn
- ♦ EnableAllAddOns
- ♦ EnumerateFrames
- ♦ EnumerateServerChannels
- ♦ EquipCursorItem
- ♦ EquipPendingItem
- ♦ ExpandCraftSkillLine
- ♦ ExpandFactionHeader
- ♦ ExpandQuestHeader
- ♦ ExpandSkillHeader
- ♦ ExpandTradeSkillSubClass
- ♦ ExpandTrainerSkillLine
- ♦ FactionToggleAtWar
- ♦ FlagTutorial
- ♦ FlipCameraYaw
- ♦ FollowByName
- ♦ FollowUnit
- ♦ ForceLogout
- ♦ ForceQuit
- ♦ FrameXML_Debug
- ♦ GMRequestPlayerInfo
- ♦ GMSurveyAnswerSubmit
- ♦ GMSurveyCommentSubmit
- ♦ GMSurveyQuestion
- ♦ GMSurveySubmit
- ♦ GetAbandonQuestName
- ♦ GetActionAutocast
- ♦ GetActionBarToggles
- ♦ GetActionCooldown
- ♦ GetActionCount
- ♦ GetActionText
- ♦ GetActionTexture
- ♦ GetActiveLevel
- ♦ GetActiveTitle
- ♦ GetAddOnDependencies
- ♦ GetAddOnInfo
- ♦ GetAddOnMetadata
- ♦ GetAdjustedSkillPoints
- ♦ GetAreaSpiritHealerTime
- ♦ GetAuctionHouseDepositRate
- ♦ GetAuctionInvTypes
- ♦ GetAuctionItemClasses
- ♦ GetAuctionItemInfo
- ♦ GetAuctionItemLink
- ♦ GetAuctionItemSubClasses
- ♦ GetAuctionItemTimeLeft
- ♦ GetAuctionSellItemInfo
- ♦ GetAvailableLevel
- ♦ GetAvailableTitle
- ♦ GetBagName
- ♦ GetBankSlotCost
- ♦ GetBaseMip
- ♦ GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTime
- ♦ GetBattlefieldFlagPosition
- ♦ GetBattlefieldInfo
- ♦ GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration
- ♦ GetBattlefieldInstanceInfo
- ♦ GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime
- ♦ GetBattlefieldMapIconScale
- ♦ GetBattlefieldPortExpiration
- ♦ GetBattlefieldPosition
- ♦ GetBattlefieldScore
- ♦ GetBattlefieldStatData
- ♦ GetBattlefieldStatInfo
- ♦ GetBattlefieldStatus
- ♦ GetBattlefieldTimeWaited
- ♦ GetBattlefieldWinner
- ♦ GetBattlefieldWorldStateUIInfo
- ♦ GetBidderAuctionItems
- ♦ GetBillingTimeRested
- ♦ GetBindLocation
- ♦ GetBinding
- ♦ GetBindingAction
- ♦ GetBindingKey
- ♦ GetBlockChance
- ♦ GetBonusBarOffset
- ♦ GetBuildInfo
- ♦ GetBuybackItemInfo
- ♦ GetCVar
- ♦ GetCVarDefault
- ♦ GetChannelList
- ♦ GetChannelName
- ♦ GetChatTypeIndex
- ♦ GetChatWindowChannels
- ♦ GetChatWindowInfo
- ♦ GetChatWindowMessages
- ♦ GetCoinIcon
- ♦ GetComboPoints
- ♦ GetContainerItemCooldown
- ♦ GetContainerItemInfo
- ♦ GetContainerItemLink
- ♦ GetContainerNumSlots
- ♦ GetCorpseMapPosition
- ♦ GetCorpseRecoveryDelay
- ♦ GetCraftButtonToken
- ♦ GetCraftDescription
- ♦ GetCraftDisplaySkillLine
- ♦ GetCraftIcon
- ♦ GetCraftInfo
- ♦ GetCraftItemLink
- ♦ GetCraftName
- ♦ GetCraftNumReagents
- ♦ GetCraftReagentInfo
- ♦ GetCraftReagentItemLink
- ♦ GetCraftSelectionIndex
- ♦ GetCraftSkillLine
- ♦ GetCraftSpellFocus
- ♦ GetCurrentBindingSet
- ♦ GetCurrentMapContinent
- ♦ GetCurrentMapZone
- ♦ GetCurrentMultisampleFormat
- ♦ GetCurrentResolution
- ♦ GetCursorMoney
- ♦ GetCursorPosition
- ♦ GetDamageBonusStat
- ♦ GetDebugStats
- ♦ GetDefaultLanguage
- ♦ GetDodgeChance
- ♦ GetDoodadAnim
- ♦ GetFactionInfo
- ♦ GetFarclip
- ♦ GetFirstTradeSkill
- ♦ GetFramerate
- ♦ GetFriendInfo
- ♦ GetGMStatus
- ♦ GetGMTicket
- ♦ GetGMTicketCategories
- ♦ GetGameTime
- ♦ GetGamma
- ♦ GetGossipActiveQuests
- ♦ GetGossipAvailableQuests
- ♦ GetGossipOptions
- ♦ GetGossipText
- ♦ GetGreetingText
- ♦ GetGuildCharterCost
- ♦ GetGuildInfo
- ♦ GetGuildInfoText
- ♦ GetGuildRecruitmentMode
- ♦ GetGuildRosterInfo
- ♦ GetGuildRosterLastOnline
- ♦ GetGuildRosterMOTD
- ♦ GetGuildRosterSelection
- ♦ GetGuildRosterShowOffline
- ♦ GetIgnoreName
- ♦ GetInboxHeaderInfo
- ♦ GetInboxInvoiceInfo
- ♦ GetInboxItem
- ♦ GetInboxNumItems
- ♦ GetInboxText
- ♦ GetInspectHonorData
- ♦ GetInspectPVPRankProgress
- ♦ GetInstanceBootTimeRemaining
- ♦ GetInventoryAlertStatus
- ♦ GetInventoryItemBroken
- ♦ GetInventoryItemCooldown
- ♦ GetInventoryItemCount
- ♦ GetInventoryItemLink
- ♦ GetInventoryItemQuality
- ♦ GetInventoryItemTexture
- ♦ GetInventorySlotInfo
- ♦ GetItemInfo
- ♦ GetItemQualityColor
- ♦ GetLFGResults
- ♦ GetLFGTypeEntries
- ♦ GetLFGTypes
- ♦ GetLanguageByIndex
- ♦ GetLocale
- ♦ GetLookingForGroup
- ♦ GetLootMethod
- ♦ GetLootRollItemInfo
- ♦ GetLootRollItemLink
- ♦ GetLootRollTimeLeft
- ♦ GetLootSlotInfo
- ♦ GetLootSlotLink
- ♦ GetLootThreshold
- ♦ GetMacroIconInfo
- ♦ GetMacroIndexByName
- ♦ GetMacroInfo
- ♦ GetMapContinents
- ♦ GetMapInfo
- ♦ GetMapLandmarkInfo
- ♦ GetMapOverlayInfo
- ♦ GetMapZones
- ♦ GetMasterLootCandidate
- ♦ GetMeetingStoneStatusText
- ♦ GetMerchantItemInfo
- ♦ GetMerchantItemLink
- ♦ GetMerchantItemMaxStack
- ♦ GetMerchantNumItems
- ♦ GetMinigameState
- ♦ GetMinigameType
- ♦ GetMinimapZoneText
- ♦ GetMoney
- ♦ GetMouseFocus
- ♦ GetMultisampleFormats
- ♦ GetNetStats
- ♦ GetNextStableSlotCost
- ♦ GetNumActiveQuests
- ♦ GetNumAddOns
- ♦ GetNumAuctionItems
- ♦ GetNumAvailableQuests
- ♦ GetNumBankSlots
- ♦ GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions
- ♦ GetNumBattlefieldPositions
- ♦ GetNumBattlefieldScores
- ♦ GetNumBattlefieldStats
- ♦ GetNumBattlefieldWorldStateUI
- ♦ GetNumBattlefields
- ♦ GetNumBindings
- ♦ GetNumBuybackItems
- ♦ GetNumCrafts
- ♦ GetNumFactions
- ♦ GetNumFrames
- ♦ GetNumFriends
- ♦ GetNumGuildMembers
- ♦ GetNumIgnores
- ♦ GetNumLFGResults
- ♦ GetNumLaguages
- ♦ GetNumLootItems
- ♦ GetNumMacroIcons
- ♦ GetNumMacros
- ♦ GetNumMapLandmarks
- ♦ GetNumMapOverlays
- ♦ GetNumPackages
- ♦ GetNumPartyMembers
- ♦ GetNumPetitionNames
- ♦ GetNumQuestChoices
- ♦ GetNumQuestItems
- ♦ GetNumQuestLeaderBoards
- ♦ GetNumQuestLogChoices
- ♦ GetNumQuestLogEntries
- ♦ GetNumQuestLogRewards
- ♦ GetNumQuestRewards
- ♦ GetNumQuestWatches
- ♦ GetNumRaidMembers
- ♦ GetNumRoutes
- ♦ GetNumSavedInstances
- ♦ GetNumShapeshiftForms
- ♦ GetNumSkillLines
- ♦ GetNumSpellTabs
- ♦ GetNumStablePets
- ♦ GetNumStableSlots
- ♦ GetNumStationeries
- ♦ GetNumTalentTabs
- ♦ GetNumTalents
- ♦ GetNumTradeSkills
- ♦ GetNumTrainerServices
- ♦ GetNumWhoResults
- ♦ GetNumWorldStateUI
- ♦ GetObjectiveText
- ♦ GetOwnerAuctionItems
- ♦ GetPVPLastWeekStats
- ♦ GetPVPLifetimeStats
- ♦ GetPVPRankInfo
- ♦ GetPVPRankProgress
- ♦ GetPVPSessionStats
- ♦ GetPVPThisWeekStats
- ♦ GetPVPYesterdayStats
- ♦ GetPackageInfo
- ♦ GetParryChance
- ♦ GetPartyLeaderIndex
- ♦ GetPartyMember
- ♦ GetPetActionCooldown
- ♦ GetPetActionInfo
- ♦ GetPetActionsUsable
- ♦ GetPetExperience
- ♦ GetPetFoodTypes
- ♦ GetPetHappiness
- ♦ GetPetIcon
- ♦ GetPetLoyalty
- ♦ GetPetTimeRemaining
- ♦ GetPetTrainingPoints
- ♦ GetPetitionInfo
- ♦ GetPetitionNameInfo
- ♦ GetPlayerBuff
- ♦ GetPlayerBuffApplications
- ♦ GetPlayerBuffDispelType
- ♦ GetPlayerBuffTexture
- ♦ GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft
- ♦ GetPlayerMapPosition
- ♦ GetPlayerTradeMoney
- ♦ GetProgressText
- ♦ GetQuestBackgroundMaterial
- ♦ GetQuestGreenRange
- ♦ GetQuestIndexForTimer
- ♦ GetQuestIndexForWatch
- ♦ GetQuestItemInfo
- ♦ GetQuestItemLink
- ♦ GetQuestLogChoiceInfo
- ♦ GetQuestLogItemLink
- ♦ GetQuestLogLeaderBoard
- ♦ GetQuestLogPushable
- ♦ GetQuestLogQuestText
- ♦ GetQuestLogRequiredMoney
- ♦ GetQuestLogRewardInfo
- ♦ GetQuestLogRewardMoney
- ♦ GetQuestLogRewardSpell
- ♦ GetQuestLogSelection
- ♦ GetQuestLogTimeLeft
- ♦ GetQuestLogTitle
- ♦ GetQuestMoneyToGet
- ♦ GetQuestReward
- ♦ GetQuestText
- ♦ GetQuestTimers
- ♦ GetRaidRosterInfo
- ♦ GetRaidRosterSelection
- ♦ GetRaidTargetIndex
- ♦ GetRealZoneText
- ♦ GetRealmName
- ♦ GetRefreshRates
- ♦ GetReleaseTimeRemaining
- ♦ GetRepairAllCost
- ♦ GetResSicknessDuration
- ♦ GetRestState
- ♦ GetRewardMoney
- ♦ GetRewardSpell
- ♦ GetRewardText
- ♦ GetSavedInstanceInfo
- ♦ GetScreenHeight
- ♦ GetScreenResolutions
- ♦ GetScreenWidth
- ♦ GetSelectedAuctionItem
- ♦ GetSelectedBattlefield
- ♦ GetSelectedFaction
- ♦ GetSelectedFriend
- ♦ GetSelectedIgnore
- ♦ GetSelectedSkill
- ♦ GetSelectedStablePet
- ♦ GetSelectedStationeryTexture
- ♦ GetSendMailCOD
- ♦ GetSendMailItem
- ♦ GetSendMailMoney
- ♦ GetSendMailPrice
- ♦ GetShapeshiftFormCooldown
- ♦ GetShapeshiftFormInfo
- ♦ GetSkillLineInfo
- ♦ GetSpellAutocast
- ♦ GetSpellCooldown
- ♦ GetSpellName
- ♦ GetSpellTabInfo
- ♦ GetSpellTexture
- ♦ GetStablePetFoodTypes
- ♦ GetStablePetInfo
- ♦ GetStationeryInfo
- ♦ GetSubZoneText
- ♦ GetSummonConfirmAreaName
- ♦ GetSummonConfirmSummoner
- ♦ GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft
- ♦ GetTabardCreationCost
- ♦ GetTabardInfo
- ♦ GetTalentInfo
- ♦ GetTalentPrereqs
- ♦ GetTalentTabInfo
- ♦ GetTargetTradeMoney
- ♦ GetTerrainMip
- ♦ GetTexLodBias
- ♦ GetTime
- ♦ GetTimeToWellRested
- ♦ GetTitleText
- ♦ GetTrackingTexture
- ♦ GetTradePlayerItemInfo
- ♦ GetTradePlayerItemLink
- ♦ GetTradeSkillCooldown
- ♦ GetTradeSkillIcon
- ♦ GetTradeSkillInfo
- ♦ GetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter
- ♦ GetTradeSkillInvSlots
- ♦ GetTradeSkillItemLink
- ♦ GetTradeSkillItemStats
- ♦ GetTradeSkillLine
- ♦ GetTradeSkillNumMade
- ♦ GetTradeSkillNumReagents
- ♦ GetTradeSkillReagentInfo
- ♦ GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink
- ♦ GetTradeSkillSelectionIndex
- ♦ GetTradeSkillSubClassFilter
- ♦ GetTradeSkillSubClasses
- ♦ GetTradeSkillTools
- ♦ GetTradeTargetItemInfo
- ♦ GetTradeTargetItemLink
- ♦ GetTradeskillRepeatCount
- ♦ GetTrainerGreetingText
- ♦ GetTrainerSelectionIndex
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceAbilityReq
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceCost
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceDescription
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceIcon
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceInfo
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceLevelReq
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceNumAbilityReq
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceSkillLine
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceSkillReq
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceStepIncrease
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceStepReq
- ♦ GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter
- ♦ GetTrainerSkillLineFilter
- ♦ GetTrainerSkillLines
- ♦ GetVideoCaps
- ♦ GetWatchedFactionInfo
- ♦ GetWaterDetail
- ♦ GetWeaponEnchantInfo
- ♦ GetWhoInfo
- ♦ GetWorldDetail
- ♦ GetWorldLocMapPosition
- ♦ GetWorldStateUIInfo
- ♦ GetXPExhaustion
- ♦ GetZonePVPInfo
- ♦ GetZoneText
- ♦ GiveMasterLoot
- ♦ GuildControlAddRank
- ♦ GuildControlDelRank
- ♦ GuildControlGetNumRanks
- ♦ GuildControlGetRankFlags
- ♦ GuildControlGetRankName
- ♦ GuildControlSaveRank
- ♦ GuildControlSetRank
- ♦ GuildControlSetRankFlag
- ♦ GuildDemoteByName
- ♦ GuildDisband
- ♦ GuildInfo
- ♦ GuildInviteByName
- ♦ GuildLeave
- ♦ GuildPromoteByName
- ♦ GuildRoster
- ♦ GuildRosterSetOfficerNote
- ♦ GuildRosterSetPublicNote
- ♦ GuildSetLeaderByName
- ♦ GuildSetMOTD
- ♦ GuildUninviteByName
- ♦ HasAction
- ♦ HasFullControl
- ♦ HasInspectHonorData
- ♦ HasKey
- ♦ HasNewMail
- ♦ HasPetSpells
- ♦ HasPetUI
- ♦ HasSoulstone
- ♦ HasWandEquipped
- ♦ HideNameplates
- ♦ HideRepairCursor
- ♦ InCinematic
- ♦ InRepairMode
- ♦ InboxItemCanDelete
- ♦ InitiateTrade
- ♦ InviteByName
- ♦ InviteToParty
- ♦ IsActionInRange
- ♦ IsAddOnLoadOnDemand
- ♦ IsAddOnLoaded
- ♦ IsAltKeyDown
- ♦ IsAttackAction
- ♦ IsAuctionSortReversed
- ♦ IsAutoRepeatAction
- ♦ IsConsumableAction
- ♦ IsControlKeyDown
- ♦ IsCurrentAction
- ♦ IsCurrentCast
- ♦ IsCurrentQuestFailed
- ♦ IsEquippedAction
- ♦ IsFactionInactive
- ♦ IsFishingLoot
- ♦ IsGuildLeader
- ♦ IsInGuild
- ♦ IsInInstance
- ♦ IsInMeetingStoneQueue
- ♦ IsInventoryItemLocked
- ♦ IsLinuxClient
- ♦ IsMacClient
- ♦ IsMouselooking
- ♦ IsPartyLeader
- ♦ IsPetAttackActive
- ♦ IsQuestCompletable
- ♦ IsQuestWatched
- ♦ IsRaidLeader
- ♦ IsRaidOfficer
- ♦ IsResting
- ♦ IsShiftKeyDown
- ♦ IsSpellPassive
- ♦ IsTalentTrainer
- ♦ IsTradeskillTrainer
- ♦ IsTrainerServiceLearnSpell
- ♦ IsTrainerServiceSkillStep
- ♦ IsTrainerServiceTradeSkill
- ♦ IsUnitOnQuest
- ♦ IsUsableAction
- ♦ IsWindowsClient
- ♦ ItemTextGetCreator
- ♦ ItemTextGetItem
- ♦ ItemTextGetMaterial
- ♦ ItemTextGetPage
- ♦ ItemTextGetText
- ♦ ItemTextHasNextPage
- ♦ ItemTextNextPage
- ♦ ItemTextPrevPage
- ♦ LFGQuery
- ♦ LearnTalent
- ♦ LeaveBattlefield
- ♦ LeaveChannelByName
- ♦ LeaveParty
- ♦ ListChannelByName
- ♦ ListChannels
- ♦ LoadAddOn
- ♦ LoadBindings
- ♦ LoggingChat
- ♦ LoggingCombat
- ♦ Logout
- ♦ LootSlot
- ♦ LootSlotIsCoin
- ♦ LootSlotIsItem
- ♦ MakeMinigameMove
- ♦ MouselookStart
- ♦ MouselookStop
- ♦ MoveBackwardStart
- ♦ MoveBackwardStop
- ♦ MoveForwardStart
- ♦ MoveForwardStop
- ♦ MoveViewDownStart
- ♦ MoveViewDownStop
- ♦ MoveViewInStart
- ♦ MoveViewInStop
- ♦ MoveViewLeftStart
- ♦ MoveViewLeftStop
- ♦ MoveViewOutStart
- ♦ MoveViewOutStop
- ♦ MoveViewRightStart
- ♦ MoveViewRightStop
- ♦ MoveViewUpStart
- ♦ MoveViewUpStop
- ♦ PartialPlayTime
- ♦ PetAbandon
- ♦ PetAggressiveMode
- ♦ PetAttack
- ♦ PetCanBeAbandoned
- ♦ PetCanBeRenamed
- ♦ PetDefensiveMode
- ♦ PetDismiss
- ♦ PetFollow
- ♦ PetHasActionBar
- ♦ PetPassiveMode
- ♦ PetRename
- ♦ PetStopAttack
- ♦ PetWait
- ♦ PickupAction
- ♦ PickupBagFromSlot
- ♦ PickupContainerItem
- ♦ PickupInventoryItem
- ♦ PickupMacro
- ♦ PickupMerchantItem
- ♦ PickupPetAction
- ♦ PickupPlayerMoney
- ♦ PickupSpell
- ♦ PickupStablePet
- ♦ PickupTradeMoney
- ♦ PitchDownStart
- ♦ PitchDownStop
- ♦ PitchUpStart
- ♦ PitchUpStop
- ♦ PlaceAction
- ♦ PlaceAuctionBid
- ♦ PlayMusic
- ♦ PlaySound
- ♦ PlaySoundFile
- ♦ PlayerHasSpells
- ♦ PositionMiniWorldMapArrowFrame
- ♦ PositionWorldMapArrowFrame
- ♦ PrevView
- ♦ ProcessMapClick
- ♦ PromoteByName
- ♦ PromoteToAssistant
- ♦ PromoteToPartyLeader
- ♦ PurchaseSlot
- ♦ PutItemInBackpack
- ♦ PutItemInBag
- ♦ RandomRoll
- ♦ ReadFile
- ♦ RegisterCVar
- ♦ RegisterForSave
- ♦ ReloadUI
- ♦ RemoveChatWindowChannel
- ♦ RemoveChatWindowMessages
- ♦ RemoveFriend
- ♦ RemoveQuestWatch
- ♦ RemoveSkillUp
- ♦ RenamePetition
- ♦ RepairAllItems
- ♦ ReplaceEnchant
- ♦ ReplaceTradeEnchant
- ♦ RepopMe
- ♦ RequestBattlefieldPositions
- ♦ RequestBattlefieldScoreData
- ♦ RequestInspectHonorData
- ♦ RequestRaidInfo
- ♦ RequestTimePlayed
- ♦ ResetChatColors
- ♦ ResetCursor
- ♦ ResetDisabledAddOns
- ♦ ResetInstances
- ♦ ResetPerformanceValues
- ♦ ResetTutorials
- ♦ ResetView
- ♦ RestartGx
- ♦ RestoreVideoDefaults
- ♦ ResurrectHasSickness
- ♦ ResurrectHasTimer
- ♦ RetrieveCorpse
- ♦ ReturnInboxItem
- ♦ RollOnLoot
- ♦ RunBinding
- ♦ RunScript
- ♦ SaveBindings
- ♦ SaveView
- ♦ Screenshot
- ♦ SelectActiveQuest
- ♦ SelectAvailableQuest
- ♦ SelectCraft
- ♦ SelectGossipActiveQuest
- ♦ SelectGossipAvailableQuest
- ♦ SelectGossipOption
- ♦ SelectPackage
- ♦ SelectQuestLogEntry
- ♦ SelectStationery
- ♦ SelectTradeSkill
- ♦ SelectTrainerService
- ♦ SendChatMessage
- ♦ SendMail
- ♦ SendWho
- ♦ SetAbandonQuest
- ♦ SetActionBarToggles
- ♦ SetBagPortaitTexture
- ♦ SetBaseMip
- ♦ SetBattlefieldScoreFaction
- ♦ SetBinding
- ♦ SetCVar
- ♦ SetChannelOwner
- ♦ SetChannelPassword
- ♦ SetChatWindowAlpha
- ♦ SetChatWindowColor
- ♦ SetChatWindowDocked
- ♦ SetChatWindowLocked
- ♦ SetChatWindowName
- ♦ SetChatWindowShown
- ♦ SetChatWindowSize
- ♦ SetConsoleKey
- ♦ SetCursor
- ♦ SetDoodadAnim
- ♦ SetEuropeanNumbers
- ♦ SetFactionActive
- ♦ SetFactionInactive
- ♦ SetFarclip
- ♦ SetGamma
- ♦ SetGuildInfoText
- ♦ SetGuildRecruitmentMode
- ♦ SetGuildRosterSelection
- ♦ SetGuildRosterShowOffline
- ♦ SetInventoryPortaitTexture
- ♦ SetLayoutMode
- ♦ SetLookingForGroup
- ♦ SetLootMethod
- ♦ SetLootPortrait
- ♦ SetLootThreshold
- ♦ SetMapToCurrentZone
- ♦ SetMapZoom
- ♦ SetMultisampleFormat
- ♦ SetPetStablePaperdoll
- ♦ SetPortraitTexture
- ♦ SetPortraitToTexture
- ♦ SetRaidRosterSelection
- ♦ SetRaidSubgroup
- ♦ SetRaidTarget
- ♦ SetScreenResolution
- ♦ SetSelectedAuctionItem
- ♦ SetSelectedBattlefield
- ♦ SetSelectedFaction
- ♦ SetSelectedFriend
- ♦ SetSelectedIgnore
- ♦ SetSelectedSkill
- ♦ SetSendMailCOD
- ♦ SetSendMailMoney
- ♦ SetTaxiMap
- ♦ SetTerrainMip
- ♦ SetTexLodBias
- ♦ SetTradeMoney
- ♦ SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter
- ♦ SetTradeSkillSubClassFilter
- ♦ SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter
- ♦ SetTrainerSkillLineFilter
- ♦ SetView
- ♦ SetWatchedFactionIndex
- ♦ SetWaterDetail
- ♦ SetWhoToUI
- ♦ SetWorldDetail
- ♦ SetupWorldMapScale
- ♦ ShowBattlefieldList
- ♦ ShowBuybackSellCursor
- ♦ ShowCloak
- ♦ ShowContainerSellCursor
- ♦ ShowFriends
- ♦ ShowHelm
- ♦ ShowInspectCursor
- ♦ ShowInventorySellCursor
- ♦ ShowMerchantSellCursor
- ♦ ShowMiniWorldMapArrowFrame
- ♦ ShowNameplates
- ♦ ShowRepairCursor
- ♦ ShowWorldMapArrowFrame
- ♦ ShowingCloak
- ♦ ShowingHelm
- ♦ SignPetition
- ♦ SitOrStand
- ♦ SortAuctionItems
- ♦ SortGuildRoster
- ♦ SortWho
- ♦ SpellCanTargetUnit
- ♦ SpellIsTargeting
- ♦ SpellStopCasting
- ♦ SpellStopTargeting
- ♦ SpellTargetUnit
- ♦ SplitContainerItem
- ♦ StablePet
- ♦ StartAuction
- ♦ StartDuel
- ♦ StartDuelUnit
- ♦ StopCinematic
- ♦ StopMusic
- ♦ StrafeLeftStart
- ♦ StrafeLeftStop
- ♦ StrafeRightStart
- ♦ StrafeRightStop
- ♦ Stuck
- ♦ SwapRaidSubgroup
- ♦ TakeInboxItem
- ♦ TakeInboxMoney
- ♦ TakeInboxTextItem
- ♦ TakeTaxiNode
- ♦ TargetByName
- ♦ TargetLastEnemy
- ♦ TargetLastTarget
- ♦ TargetNearestEnemy
- ♦ TargetNearestFriend
- ♦ TargetNearestPartyMember
- ♦ TargetNearestRaidMember
- ♦ TargetUnit
- ♦ TaxiGetDestX
- ♦ TaxiGetDestY
- ♦ TaxiGetSrcX
- ♦ TaxiGetSrcY
- ♦ TaxiNodeCost
- ♦ TaxiNodeGetType
- ♦ TaxiNodeName
- ♦ TaxiNodePosition
- ♦ TaxiNodeSetCurrent
- ♦ ToggleAutoRun
- ♦ ToggleCollision
- ♦ ToggleCollisionDisplay
- ♦ ToggleMouseMove
- ♦ TogglePVP
- ♦ TogglePerformanceDisplay
- ♦ TogglePerformanceValues
- ♦ TogglePetAutocast
- ♦ TogglePlayerBounds
- ♦ TogglePortals
- ♦ ToggleRun
- ♦ ToggleSheath
- ♦ ToggleSpellAutocast
- ♦ ToggleTris
- ♦ TurnInGuildCharter
- ♦ TurnLeftStart
- ♦ TurnLeftStop
- ♦ TurnOrActionStart
- ♦ TurnOrActionStop
- ♦ TurnRightStart
- ♦ TurnRightStop
- ♦ TutorialsEnabled
- ♦ UninviteByName
- ♦ UninviteFromParty
- ♦ UninviteFromRaid
- ♦ UnitAffectingCombat
- ♦ UnitArmor
- ♦ UnitAttackBothHands
- ♦ UnitAttackPower
- ♦ UnitAttackSpeed
- ♦ UnitBuff
- ♦ UnitCanAssist
- ♦ UnitCanAttack
- ♦ UnitCanCooperate
- ♦ UnitCharacterPoints
- ♦ UnitClass
- ♦ UnitClassification
- ♦ UnitCreatureFamily
- ♦ UnitCreatureType
- ♦ UnitDamage
- ♦ UnitDebuff
- ♦ UnitDefense
- ♦ UnitExists
- ♦ UnitFactionGroup
- ♦ UnitHasRelicSlot
- ♦ UnitHealth
- ♦ UnitHealthMax
- ♦ UnitInParty
- ♦ UnitInRaid
- ♦ UnitIsCharmed
- ♦ UnitIsCivilian
- ♦ UnitIsConnected
- ♦ UnitIsCorpse
- ♦ UnitIsDead
- ♦ UnitIsDeadOrGhost
- ♦ UnitIsEnemy
- ♦ UnitIsFriend
- ♦ UnitIsGhost
- ♦ UnitIsPVP
- ♦ UnitIsPVPFreeForAll
- ♦ UnitIsPartyLeader
- ♦ UnitIsPlayer
- ♦ UnitIsPlusMob
- ♦ UnitIsTapped
- ♦ UnitIsTappedByPlayer
- ♦ UnitIsTrivial
- ♦ UnitIsUnit
- ♦ UnitIsVisible
- ♦ UnitLevel
- ♦ UnitMana
- ♦ UnitManaMax
- ♦ UnitName
- ♦ UnitOnTaxi
- ♦ UnitPVPName
- ♦ UnitPVPRank
- ♦ UnitPlayerControlled
- ♦ UnitPowerType
- ♦ UnitRace
- ♦ UnitRangedAttack
- ♦ UnitRangedAttackPower
- ♦ UnitRangedDamage
- ♦ UnitReaction
- ♦ UnitResistance
- ♦ UnitSex
- ♦ UnitStat
- ♦ UnitXP
- ♦ UnitXPMax
- ♦ UnstablePet
- ♦ UpdateGMTicket
- ♦ UpdateInventoryAlertStatus
- ♦ UpdateMapHighlight
- ♦ UpdateSpells
- ♦ UpdateWorldMapArrowFrames
- ♦ UseAction
- ♦ UseContainerItem
- ♦ UseInventoryItem
- ♦ UseSoulstone
- ♦ __pow
- ♦ ceil
- ♦ collectgarbage
- ♦ cos
- ♦ date
- ♦ debugbreak
- ♦ debugdump
- ♦ debuginfo
- ♦ debugload
- ♦ debugprint
- ♦ debugprofilestart
- ♦ debugprofilestop
- ♦ debugstack
- ♦ debugtimestamp
- ♦ deg
- ♦ gcinfo
- ♦ geterrorhandler
- ♦ getfenv
- ♦ getglobal
- ♦ getmetatable
- ♦ getn
- ♦ gsub
- ♦ ipairs
- ♦ ldexp
- ♦ loadstring
- ♦ log
- ♦ log10
- ♦ next
- ♦ seterrorhandler
- ♦ setfenv
- ♦ setglobal
- ♦ setmetatable
- ♦ sin
- ♦ sort
- ♦ sqrt
- ♦ strbyte
- ♦ strchar
- ♦ strfind
- ♦ strlen
- ♦ strlower
- ♦ strrep
- ♦ strsub
- ♦ strupper
- ♦ unpack
- ♦ xpcall
See Also