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For a big chunk of the gaming population, [[AddOn]]s are mysterious things you download and hope will run. But for many talented people, they're an opportunity to help the community and make things easier for the rest of us.
[[File:AddOn Studio 2015 for World of Warcraft.jpg|x220px|right|AddOn Studio 2015 for World of Warcraft]]
'''AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft''' is a [[WoW AddOn]] editor which features a professional Lua editor, a WoW UI designer, and support for Curse Forge repositories.
== Details ==
AddOn Studio is a fully-featured integrated development environment, with many tools and features specifically for use with [[Lua]] and [[World of Warcraft]] development.
AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft includes:
* Modern Lua editing and project management
* Curse compatible and integrated SCC
* Real-time 'Intellisense' style tooltips and code completion
* WoW UI visualization and editing
* WoW asset management and browsing
* WoW AddOn deploy and launch features
* WoW compatible integrated test runtime for Lua snippets
* WoW Lua and WoW Widget and API documentation
* and more...
== Editions ==
'''For World of Warcraft'''
* [[AddOn Studio 2015 for World of Warcraft]]
: This version is based on Visual Studio 2015, internally version 4.0, and has been available since late 2016. Originally released during [[World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor|Draenor]] and [[World of Warcraft: Legion|Legion]], support continues for new versions of WoW. This is a currently maintained edition.
* [[AddOn Studio 2010 for World of Warcraft]]
: This version is based on Visual Studio 2010, internally version 3.0, and has been available since late 2010. Originally released during [[World of Warcraft: Cataclysm|Cataclysm]], support continues for new versions of WoW. This is a currently maintained edition.
* [// AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft version 2.0]
: This version was based on Visual Studio 2008, but was never formally released. The last downloadable release was version 2.0 Beta 2, on or around February 11, 2009. This edition is no longer maintained.
* AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft version 1.0
: The original product version 1.0 based on Visual Studio 2005, and was released around the 2007 time frame. This edition is no longer maintained.
== Other Editions ==
'''For WildStar'''
AddOn Studio for WildStar is a version of AddOn Studio for the NCSOFT game WildStar.
* [[w:c:wildstar:AddOn Studio 2015 for WildStar|AddOn Studio 2015 for WildStar]]
: The initial Beta release of [[w:c:wildstar:AddOn Studio for WildStar|AddOn Studio for WildStar]] was May 2017 for testing.

Well, some of the tedium has been taken out of AddOn writing with the help of Microsoft. ''"What?"'' Yep, you read that right. Microsoft loves WoW, too. Using CodePlex, their open-source project site, they have helped create an AddOn Studio for WoW based on the Visual Studio package. The download contains everything you need to create AddOns, so don't worry if you aren't the owner of Visual Studio already.
* [[w:c:wildstar:AddOn Studio 2010 for WildStar|AddOn Studio 2010 for WildStar]]
: The initial Beta release of [[w:c:wildstar:AddOn Studio for WildStar|AddOn Studio for WildStar]] was May 2017 for testing.

So what does this mean exactly? The project team has converted the AddOn writing process from text and code to drag and drop. You get the look and feel of common programs like Visual Basic but with the command structure of WoW. By having the process be graphic, you just pick and choose what you want from the list.
== Press ==
* From 2007 Engadget article, AddOn Studio for WoW: {{ref2 |author=Marcie Knox |date=2007-12-17
|link=// |title=AddOn Studio for WoW |accessdate=2015-05-08 |publisher=Engadget |accessdate=2015-5-8}}

Specifically, AddOn Studio will provide an interface that allows AddOn creators to build in familiar surroundings. You'll also have the ability to auto-generate items like the table of contents or lua events. Error checking for [[FrameXML]] and [[Lua]] parsing also helps to speed the AddOn process up. Likewise, they have included [[Ace2]] templates so you can still tap into one of the most commonly used AddOn libraries and updater systems.
For a big chunk of the gaming population, [[AddOn]]s are mysterious things you download and hope will run. But for many talented people, they're an opportunity to help the community and make things easier for the rest of us.

Long-term, this should open up AddOn creation to those that enjoy dabbling with programing, but don't have the time or skill to build them without a bit more structure. And that can only be a good thing.
Specifically, AddOn Studio will provide an interface that allows AddOn creators to build in familiar surroundings. You'll also have the ability to auto-generate items like the table of contents or lua events. Error checking for [[FrameXML]] and [[Lua]] parsing also helps to speed the AddOn process up. Likewise, they have included [[Ace2]] templates so you can still tap into one of the most commonly used AddOn libraries and updater systems. [...]

== End of active development ==
== References ==
This project appears to have ceased active development around February 11, 2009 with the last downloadable release being v2 BETA 2.

== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[AddOn Studio 2010]]
* [[Lua editors/Visual Studio]]
* [[Lua editors]]

== External links ==
== External links ==
;Official Site
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{{elink||link=|desc=AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft}}
{{elink||link=//|desc=AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft 2.0}}
{{elink||link=//|desc=AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft 1.0}}
{{elink||link=|desc=Lua Studio - The Evolution of AddOn Studio for World of Warcraft}}
[[Category:Development Help AddOns]]