WoW:MACRO cast
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Cast a random spell from the list
/cast options spellname; options spellname; ...
- cast
- spell
- options
- List of options below, separated by commas, enclosed in [ ]
- spellname
- Name of the spell to cast
You may use "no" in front of any of these to invert the logic result.
- actionbar
- If you are using this particular actionbar. You must specify actionbar:# (#=action bar number)
- button
- If you clicked a particular button to cast the spell (button:#, where #=1-5,LeftButton,MiddleButton,RightButton,Button4, or Button5)
- channeling
- If you are channeling a spell. You may optionally specify a specific spell using spell:spellname
- combat
- If you are in combat
- dead
- If the target is dead
- equipped
- If you are currently equipping a specific item, item of a particular class or subclass, or have an item in a particular slot. (ex. equipped:item, see below for details).
- exists
- If the target exists exactly as typed (case insensitive).
- flyable
- If you are in an area where flying is allowed
- flying
- If you are flying
- group
- If you are in a group. You may optionally specify group:party or group:raid.
- harm
- If target is hostile
- help
- If target is friendly
- modifier
- If the click is modified with shift, ctrl, or alt. You may optionally specify which one by using modifier:key (key=shift, ctrl, or alt)
- mounted
- If you are mounted
- party
- If the target is in your party
- pet
- If your pet exists. You may optionally specify a type of pet (pet:type, where type=cat,boar,ravager,etc...)
- raid
- If the target is in your raid
- stance
- If you are in a particular stance. May also use stance:# to specify a particular stance (#=stance number)
- stealth
- If you are stealthed
- swimming
- If you are swimming
- target=unitid
- Casts on a specific target without changing your current target (see table below)
Item Types for equipped
- Slots
- Two-Hand,Bag,Shirt,Chest,Back,Feet,Finger,Hands,Head,Held In Off-hand,Legs,Neck,Ranged,Chest,Off Hand,Shoulder,Tabard,Thrown,Trinket,Waist,One-Hand,Main Hand,Off Hand,Wrist
- Item Types
- Armor,Container,Projectile,Quiver,Weapon
- Item Sub-Types
- Cloth,Idols,Leather,Librams,Mail,Miscellaneous,Shields,Totems,Plate,Bag,Enchanting Bag,Engineering Bag,Herb Bag,Soul Bag,Arrow,Bullet,Ammo Pouch,Quiver,Bows,Crossbows,Daggers,Guns,Fishing Pole,Fist Weapons,Miscellaneous,One-Handed Axes,One-Handed Maces,One-Handed Swords,Polearms,Staves,Thrown,Two-Handed Axes,Two-Handed Maces,Two-Handed Swords,Wands
Unit Types for target
All occurrences of # correlate to a numerical position in the group. You may combine them together, as well. (ex. pettarget)
- target
- player
- pet
- none
- focus
- party#
- partypet#
- raid#
- raidpet#
- mouseover
- npc - this means the target is an NPC
-- This will revive the pet if it is out and dead, call the pet if it is not out, and mend the pet if it is out and alive /cast [target=pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet
-- This will cast Flash Heal on you if you right click it, Flash Heal on the target if you left click it. /cast [button:2,target=player][help] Flash Heal; Flash Heal