WildStar:Slash commands
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Template:Slash commands/devTemplate:Slash commands/macronav This article explains specifics of [[../Slash commands/]] in WildStar, and lists the currently available slash commands. WildStar supports using slash commands directly in chat windows, which include commands for chat, emotes, player actions, general user interface, and AddOn commands.
For players, slash commands can be used in WildStar directly in chat windows by prefixing a slash to the command name, like when changing chat channel via /s to /a using the keyboard, and in user [[../Macro/]]s.
- Key
- [option] - words in brackets are options for commands, typed without the brackets
- [option1|option2] - where the vertical line, or 'pipe', separates different types or options for a command
- commands with a strikethrough have been removed from the game completely
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /afk - flags yourself as away, or away from keyboard, for chat
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /chjoin [channelname] [channelpassword] - joins a specified channel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /chleave [channelname|channelnumber] - leaves the specified channel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /chpassword [channelname|channelnumber] [password] - sets password on channel, or issuing the command without the password arg removes a password from channel.
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /chlist [channelname|channelnumber] - lists the members of the specified channel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /cinvite [circlenumber (ie. c2)] [player name] - invites a player to the specified circle
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /dnd - flags yourself as unavailable, or do not disturb, for chat
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /gdemote [playername] - demotes specified player one rank in your current guild
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /gdisband [playername] - disbands or removes the guild
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /ginvite [playername] - invites specified player to your current guild
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /gkick [playername] - kicks or removes specified player from your current guild
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /gpromote [playername] - promotes specified player one rank in your current guild
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /gquit - remove yourself from your current guild
- gvote /gvote - Request a vote to promote a new guild leader if the current one has been inactive more than 30 days!
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /invite [playername] - invites specified player to your current party or raid
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /ignore [playername] - ignores the specified player
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /kick [playername] - kicks or removes specified player from your current party or raid
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /1, /2, /3, /4, /5, ... - commands for accessing custom chat channels after using /chjoin
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /c1, /c2, /c3, /c4, /c5, ... - commands for accessing circle chat channels
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /a, /advice - changes default channel to 'advice', or with text emits the text in the advice channel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /aw, /awhisper [playername] - opens a edit box to send an account whisper to the specified player
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /e, /emote
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /i, /instance
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /p, /party
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /pvp
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /s, /say - changes default channel to 'say', or with text emits the text in the say channel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /tr, /trade
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /y, /yell
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /z, /zone - changes default channel to zone, or with text emits the text in the zone channel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /g, /guild - changes default channel to guild, or with text emits the text in the guild channel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /t, /tell, /w, /whisper [playername] - opens a edit box to send a whisper to the specified player
Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /doublejumpTemplate:Slash commands/gamecmd /jump
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /agree
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /amazed
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /angry
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /applaud
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /bleed
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /blink
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /blood
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /blow
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /blush
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /bonk
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /bored
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /comfort
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /confused
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /disgusted
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /doubt
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /doze
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /drool
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /emote - generates a custom emote
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /facepalm
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /flirt
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /fume
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /gasp
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /grin
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /hug
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /huh
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /joy
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /kiss
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /lick
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /love
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /panic
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /pat
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /poke
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /praise
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /psych
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /roar
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /shocked
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /shoo
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /sigh
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /slap
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /smile
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /stagger
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /stare
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /sulk
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /surprised
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /thank, /thanks
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /think
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /toss
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /upset
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /welcome, /yw
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /wink
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /yawn
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /beckon
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /bow
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /bye, /goodbye - '... wave goodbye to ....'
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /cheer
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /clap, /applaud
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /cower
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /cry
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /crying
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /dance, /dance1
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /dance2
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /drink
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /eat
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /farewell - '... wave farewell to ....'
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /fear
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /flex
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /hurray
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /idle - plays the special 'idle' animation for the character
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /kneel
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /laugh
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /no
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /point
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /salute
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /shout
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /shrug
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /sit
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /sleep
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /stand
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /strain
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /talk
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /wave - '... wave to ....'
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /yes, /nod
User Interface
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /bug - opens the interface for bug report
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /camp - exit the game, similar exit button on the escape menu
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /reloadui, /RequestReloadUI - reload the player game client 2D UI
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /stuck - opens player stuck interface, for when character is physically trapped or stuck
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /who - prints a list of the surrounding players in 'system' channel chat
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /gearscore - prints your current "gear score" in 'debug' channel in chat
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /eval - runs a WildStar Lua UI code snippet. see also [[../CVars/]].
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /time - shows current in game time
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /played - shows current total time played
Game AddOn
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /friendslist - open friends list UI window (FriendsList AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /macros - opens the macro editing UI window (Macros AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /mounts - open the player mounts UI (MountScreen AddOn)
Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /pf - toggle the player's player frame window, or (PlayerFrame AddOn)Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /dye - open the Item Dyeing UI window (ItemDyeing AddOn)- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /ai - opens Account Inventory UI window (AccountInventory AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /Nameplates, /Nameplates_OpenMenu, /nameplates - opens the Nameplate Options UI window (Nameplates AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /cluetracker - opens the adventure Clue UI window (AdventureClueTracker AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /malgraveres - opens the adventure malgrave caravan UI window. (AdventureResources AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /whitevaleadv - opens the adventure whitevale UI window (AdventureWhitevale AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /guildpanel - opens Guild UI window (Guild AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /salvageall - opens Salvage UI window (ImprovedSalvage AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /keybind - opens Keybindings UI window (Keybinding AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /ToggleMailWindow - toggles the player Mail UI window (Mail AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /neighborlist - opens the Neighbors UI window (NeighborList AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /rep - opens the player's Reputation UI window (Reputation AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /Tutorials, /tutorials - opens the Tutorials UI window (Tutorial AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /debuwwgon - looks like a just test harness for carbine UI dev work (Debug AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /UIToggleCinematics - set UI to letterbox for displaying video (Macros AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /TutorialPromptTest - opens the Tutorial prompt testing UI window (Tutorial AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /zh - opens the Zone Hopper zone testing UI window (ZoneHopper AddOn)
- Template:Slash commands/gamecmd /zhdev - opens the dev version of Zone Hopper zone testing UI window (ZoneHopperDev AddOn)