WoW API: GetMirrorTimerInfo
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← WoW API < GetMirrorTimerInfo
Gives information about the mirror bar. (Spirit release, exhaustion/fatigue, etc)
timer, initial, maxvalue, scale, paused, label = GetMirrorTimerInfo(id)
- id
- Number - timer index, from 1 to MIRRORTIMER_NUMTIMERS (3 as of 3.2). In general, the following correspondence holds: 1 = Fatigue, 2 = Breath, 3 = Feign Death.
- timer
- String - A string identifying timer type; "EXHAUSTION", "BREATH", and "FEIGNDEATH", or "UNKNOWN" indicating that the timer corresponding to that index is not currently active, and other return values are invalid.
- initial
- Number - Value of the timer when the it started.
- maxvalue
- Number - Maximum value of the timer.
- scale
- Number - Change in timer value per second.
- paused
- Flag - 0 if the timer is currently running, a value greater than zero if it is not.
- label
- String - Localized timer name.
- Calling the function with an out-of-range index results in an error. The syntax specification in the error text is invalid; this function may not be called with "BREATH", "EXHAUSTION" etc as arguments.
- The current value of the timer may be retrieved using GetMirrorTimerProgress("timer"). Most timers tend to count down to zero, at which point something bad happens.
Related events
- MIRROR_TIMER_START is fired when a timer becomes active.
- MIRROR_TIMER_STOP is fired when a timer becomes inactive.
- MIRROR_TIMER_PAUSE is fired when a timer is paused.