WoW:MACRO metashowtooltip
Affects the Tooltip and Icon to be shown, there are several versions of this:
#showtooltip spellname <--Shows a spell icon #showtooltip itemname <--Shows an item by name #showtooltip BagId slot <--Shows an item by bag slot #showtooltip InvSlot <--Shows an item by inventory slot #showtooltip <--Shows tooltip dynamically (See Notes)
- none
- You don't have to choose the question mark icon ("?") for this to work; however, if you don't, the icon will not dynamically change based on the conditions set within the macro text and the icon will instead be the one you chose until such time as you change it manually.
- The tooltip will dynamically change based on the conditions set within the macro text regardless of which icon you chose when you created the macro.
- If you don't know the spell, don't have the item, or the position you specified on your character or bag is empty, the button will show the "?" icon (unless you didn't choose the "?" - see first note).
- Other data affecting the button's appearance will be pulled from this as well, such as the green border around equipped items, the number of items you have, the number of reagents for the specified spell you have, etc...
- The click action of the button will not be affected by this, you still need to use slash commands to make the button do something.
- Any successive metacommands to define the icon or tooltip will be ignored
- If the icon was already specified by a previous #show, then this command is ignored entirely, including tooltips (the tooltip always shows the name of the macro).
- The default tooltip text is the name of the macro.
- Omitting arguments to this metacommand will allow the UI will pull information from /cast, /castsequence, /castrandom, /use, /userandom, /equip, or /equipslot.