Widget API: GameTooltip:SetFrameStack
← Widget API ← GameTooltip < SetFrameStack
Displays the frame stack of the mouse cursor's current position on the tooltip. This is not intended to be used in typical addons, but is part of the Blizzard_DebugTools "builtin addon" inspired by DevTools.
- (showhidden)
- showhidden
- Boolean - If true, includes in the display those frames which are currently hidden.
- nil
GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, UIParent) GameTooltip:SetFrameStack(true)
Shows the GameTooltip with information about the frames over which the mouse is currently hovering.
The /framestack [S] slash command toggles a pre-declared GameTooltip and dispatches this function on it. The optional S argument is interpreted as a boolean following the usual boolean type coercion rules, and passed to this method as the showhidden parameter. For example, '/framestack true' and '/framestack cheese' both show hidden frames.
The frame listing on a tooltip after this function is called are arranged by strata and level. Within that list, the frames are colored:
- Yellow/Orange : frame for which IsMouseEnabled is true
- Blue/Teal : frame for which IsMouseEnabled is false
- DarkGrey/LightGrey : frame that is hidden (when showhidden is true)
In each of those pairs, the colors alternate based on the frame level. For example, in a series of four frames all with the mouse enabled and within the same frame level the colors will alternate like this:
- 4 Orange
- 3 Yellow
- 2 Orange
- 1 Yellow