WoW API: SwapRaidSubgroup

Revision as of 00:04, 8 December 2006 by WoWWiki>Cogwheel

WoW API < SwapRaidSubgroup

SwapRaidSubgroup Documentation by Jakobud

Swaps two players in a raid.

SwapRaidSubgroup(index1, index2);

index1 - ID of first raid member (1 ... MAX_RAID_MEMBERS)
index2 - ID of second raid member (1 ... MAX_RAID_MEMBERS)

Swap raid member (ID=20) with raid member (ID=25)
SwapRaidSubgroup(20, 15);

More info on raid indecies
Regarding the corrispondance of raid indecies to players. Let C be the list of players in a raid ordered by their raid index. It appears that after any series of changes is made to the raid, at the end all players from C still in the raid will retain their original ordering (even if they left and rejoined the raid), with new members existing at any index 0<i<=40.