Widget API: Frame:StartMoving

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Revision as of 23:44, 17 April 2008 by WoWWiki>SinusPi (notes)
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Widget API ← Frame < StartMoving

Moves the frame-based object in relation to where the mouse is being moved.




The frame named 'myAddonFrame' would start to move in relation to where the mouse is being moved.

Moves the frame-based object in relation to where the mouse is being moved.
Use this with the RegisterForDrag() function to allow your frame-based object to be moved by the user.
Use the StopMovingOrSizing() function inside the <OnDragStop>...</OnDragStop> XML section to stop the moving process.
If the frame becomes stuck by any cause (see SetClampedToScreen()), the mouse and the frame will go off-sync.
As for Patch 2.3, at the end of the movement the frame will automatically change anchors to the closest point of the parent, on a same-to-same basis (TOPLEFT to TOPLEFT, BOTTOM to BOTTOM...) and, apparently, there isn't a way to prevent this behaviour. This might be a problem if you intend to automatically resize the frame after a user drag - you might find it undesirably aligning itself to the new anchor point, resulting in surprising "jumping around" after a SetWidth() or SetHeight().