WoW API: SetDungeonDifficulty

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Revision as of 17:22, 20 August 2009 by WoWWiki>Mrbones118 (Updated page for patch 3.2 change to dungeon difficulties)
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WoW API < SetDungeonDifficulty



"Difficulty" may be any one of the following arguments: 1, 2, 3, 4.


1 5 or 10 players normal
2 5 players heroic / 25 players normal
3 10 players heroic
4 25 players heroic


When the change occurs a message will be shown in your default chat.
When you use this function all saved instances will be reset.
There are two more parameters to the function, but it is not currently known what they do.



/script SetDungeonDifficulty(1);


"Dungeon difficulty set to Normal (All saved Instances have been reset)" will be shown in your default chat.

3.2.0: 3 (epic) removed and added 3-4 for new split between normal/heroic and 10/25