Khaos is a universal configuration registration system. It allows you to create configurations for addons or addon-groups and cluster them together. You can import/export your own custom configurations and have them work with anyone else who is using Khaos. Below are some examples of using Khaos.
Read the ChangeLog.
Khaos API
- registerFolder - Registers a custom folder
- updateFolder - Updates a custom folder
- validateFolder - Validates a custom folder
- unregisterFolder - Unregisters a custom folder
- registerOptionSet - Registers an option set
- updateOptionSet - Updates an option set
- validateOptionSet - Validates an option set prior to registration
- unregisterOptionSet - Unregisters an option set
- registerConfigurationLoadNotice - Register to be notified when the user selects a different configuration
- unregisterConfigurationLoadNotice - Removes the load updater with specified id
- registerGlobal - Registers a global variable to be saved/loaded when the user selects a new configuration
- unregisterGlobal - Removes a global from the configuration update list
- updateGlobal - Updates the global variable stored inside the configuration
- getSetKey - Allows you to directly access a key-value pair inside the configuration
- setSetKey - Allows you to directly modify a key-value pair inside the configuration
- setSetKeyParameter - Allows you to directly set a key-value pair's parameter
- getSetEnabled - Allows you to detect if an option set is on or off
- setSetEnabled - Allows you to turn an option set on or off
- updateSetKeys - Allows you to update groups of set keys and refresh the gui together
- refresh - Force a re-draw of the gui
Khaos Data Types
- KhaosConfigurationFolder - folders for sets
- KhaosSet - sets of options
- KhaosOption - options
- KhaosConfigurationLoadNotice - notify when config is loaded
- KhaosSlashCommand - slash commands for configurations
Khaos Examples
Simple Options
Khaos Configuration Template
Khaos Difficulty Levels
Login Screen
Choose a configuration from the drop-down menu that appears when you login.
The game will load that configuration so that you can preview it. If you press "Use", it will use that configuration. If you select "Edit" it will display the main screen. Checking the box will make it auto-pick that configuration when you login to this server with that character. === Khaos Tutorials ===
Configuration Demo
Click here to see an example, and the code which generated it.
Khaos Folders
The yellow text marks a folder. White text with checkmarks denotes an option set and if it is enabled or not.
Khaos Option Sets
Each line is a single option. The whole scrollable pane is considered an option set.