WoW API: QuestLogPushQuest
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Initiates the sharing of the currently viewed quest in the quest log with other players.
local i = 0; while (GetQuestLogTitle(i+1) ~= nil) do i = i + 1; local title, level, tag, header = GetQuestLogTitle(i); if (not header) then SelectQuestLogEntry(i); if (GetQuestLogPushable()) then QuestLogPushQuest(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("Attempting to share %s [%d] with your group...", title, level)); return; end end end
Finds and shares the first sharable quest in your quest log.
The system only attempts to push the quest to grouped players and will fail if a recipient is out of range (typically trading range), does not qualify for the quest (too low level or hasn't completed prior chain-quests) or has already completed it.