baddons.wcf is a file, that is part of the World of Warcraft client at version 3.2 and is located in the folder World of Warcraft\WDB. It is assumed to contain a list of blocked or otherwise unwanted addons. This file is not used by the client yet.
The file consists of a number of entries, each one in the following format:
Name | Size¹ | Comment |
Id | 4 | The number of the entry |
Name | 16 | MD5 hash of the addon's name (?) |
Version | 16 | MD5 hash of the addon's version field |
Unknown | 4 | An unknown 4 byte value |
End | 4 | 1 if this is the last entry, 0 otherwise |
¹ in bytes
As of August 6, 2009 the file contains 11 entries. The first ten have d41d8cd98f0b24e980998ecf8427e for both name and version, which is the MD5 hash of an empty string. The 11th entry has an unknown name (MD5: e2c8609449919c1b2d6afa8433632854) and the version "v1.0" (MD5: ff3e568a272ca876d331675fd3d5a6c2). The unknown field contains 0x49347a01 for most of the entries, except the first (0x493479e8) and the last one (0x49347af9).