WoW API: GetTalentPrereqs
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Returns the tier and column of a talent's prerequisite, and if the talent is learnable.
tier, column, isLearnable = GetTalentPrereqs( tabIndex , talentIndex );
- (tabIndex, talentIndex)
- tabIndex
- Integer - Specifies which tab the talent is in.
- talentIndex
- Integer - Specifies which talent to check
Note: The talentIndex is counted as if it where a tree, meaning that the left most talent in the top most row is number 1 followed by the one immediate to the right is number 2, if there are no more talents to the right then it continues from the left most talent on the next row.
- tier, column, isLearnable
- tier
- Integer - The tier that the prerequisite talent sits on
- column
- Integer - The Column that the prerequisite talent sits on
- isLearnable
- Integer - Returns 1 if you have the necessary prereqisites already, nil otherwise.
For a Warrior, checks the prerequisites for the talent "Flurry":
local tier, column, learnable = GetTalentPrereqs(2,16)
tier = 4 column = 3 learnable = 1 if you have 5/5 in Enrage, nil otherwise
If you select a talent with no prerequisites, the whole function returns nil