Widget API: UIObject:SetAlpha

From AddOn Studio
Revision as of 17:55, 17 June 2007 by WoWWiki>WoWWiki-Fin (Updated to say that transparency is propagated as per changes in 2.1.0)
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Widget API ← UIObject < SetAlpha

Sets the alpha (transparency) of the given object.



Number - a floating-point number between 0 and 1. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is transparent.



Makes the frame translucent, more visible than not.


As of patch 2.1.0, transparency propagates down through all child objects. From 2.1.0_consolidated_changes#Frames:

"Frame alpha now propagates in the same way as scale (though is clamped between 0 and 1 on each object). This means you can cleanly fade the whole UI or specific frame assemblies."

There was also the following new function added:

alpha = Frame:GetEffectiveAlpha()

Returns the effective alpha of a frame, which is logically

Frame:GetParent():GetEffectiveAlpha() * Frame:GetAlpha()