WoW:FrameXML elements
This document describes various important UI elements which are provided by the standard World of Warcraft FrameXML UI.
This is the game's tooltip, it consists of a number of lines, to determine how many there are, you can call the GameTooltip:NumLines() function.
Each line of text from the game tooltip is represented by one of these objects, replace <num> with the appropriate line number (from 1 to the number of lines returned from GameTooltip:NumLines()). To obtain the text of a line call the GameTooltipTextLeft<i><num></i>:GetText() function.
Example: Looping through all tooltip lines
local i = 1 while (i <= GameTooltip:NumLines()) do local mytext = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft" .. i); local text = mytext:GetText(); end
The tooltip displayed when the mouse is hovering over players and/or NPCs on the minimap is such that all the units being displayed are actually only on the first tooltip line. So, if the tooltip showed 4 players, the names are all in the first tootip line, delimited by "\n".
Frame which represents the minimap area of the user interface.
Example: Determining if the mouse is over the minimap
if (MouseIsOver(MinimapCluster)) then -- do something end