WoW:API UseAction

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UseAction - Documentation by Sarf

Perform the specified action.

UseAction(slot [,checkCursor] [,onSelf])



(slot [,checkCursor] [,onSelf])
Numeric - The action slot to use.
Flag (optional) - Can be 0, 1, or nil. Appears to indicate whether the action button was clicked (1) or used via hotkey (0); probably involved in placing skills/items in the action bar after they've been picked up.
Flag (optional) - Can be 0, 1, or nil. If present and 1, then the action is performed on the player, not the target.


Each button on your action bar has an ID. The first button id is 1, and so on. There are 6 action bars in all, thus the highest action bar is 72. With the addition of ver 1300, Page 3 acts as the Right Action bar, page 4 acts as the second Right action bar, page 5 acts as the Bottom Right bar, and page 6 acts as the Bottom Left bar.

Template:WoW API