WoW:Using the ColorPickerFrame

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What is it?

The ColorPickerFrame (See: XML_User_Interface#ColorSelect) is the default WoW frame to easily select color and opacity using a GUI. The ColorPickerFrame comes with customizable functions, which are next.

ColorPickerFrame functions

--Called on changing the color wheel
--Called on changing the opacity slider
--Called on hitting CANCEL button OR pressing ESCAPE.
--cancelFunc is called with the argument ColorPickerFrame.previousValues so set that when
--you show the frame

These functions can be specified by you to do something. The best example is setting some variables to the selected color as it changes. Check the following code:

ColorPickerFrame.func = MY_COLOR_FUNCTION
ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = MY_CANCEL_FUNCTION
  local R,G,B = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB();
function MY_CANCEL_FUNCTION(prevvals)
  local R,G,B = unpack(prevvals)

All the functions can be set in that manner.

ColorPickerFrame Misc

ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = boolean;
--Sets whether or not to show the opacity slider.
--You MUST set this explicitly every time as the default UI will not reset it from a value
--set previously.
ColorPickerFrame.opacity = Alpha;
--Sets the initial value of the opacity slider.
ColorPickerFrame.previousValues = {R, G, B}
--Sets the values passed to the cancelFunc when Esc is pressed or the close button is pressed.
ColorSwatch:SetTexture(R, G, B);
--Sets the color square to show specified color
--Shows the frame
--Hides the frame
ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(R, G, B);
--Set the color in the color frame
local R,G,B = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB();
--Gets the color from the color frame
local A = OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue();
--Gets the opacity from the opacity slider on the color frame.

Examples of use

Open frame with specified values:

ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(R, G, B);

Set R, G, and B to the ColorWheel's colors on changing the selected color

ColorPickerFrame.func = MY_COLOR_FUNCTION

 local R,G,B = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB();