WoW:API UseContainerItem

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UseContainerItem -Documentation by The Nerd Wonder-

number - number of the bag the item is in.
number - slot number of the bag item you want the info for.

  • Using container items is basicaly the same as clicking on them. This means that if you are at a vendor, your scripts can sell unintended items

Bags are listed from main backpack (original 16 slotter) left. Therefore if you were looking at the default bag row the bags would be numbered as such:
4, 3, 2, 1, 0
Moreover when the bank is opened, bank content and bank bag can be accessed with -1 and 5 to 10 as bagID.

Slots are listed from left to right, top to bottom.
In the example of your main backback, the top row would be 1, 2, 3, 4. The bottom row would be 13, 14, 15, 16.


UseContainerItem(0,6) would use an item in your main backback, second row down, one space to the right.

Template:WoW API