This page documents a <i>user-defined modules</i> that into your own AddOns.
← User defined modules < MenuClass
Create a drop down menu at your leisure and show it when you're ready. This is a very basic context menu, nothing advanced.
local menu = MenuClass:New()
menu:AddItem('Do Something', function()
SendChatMessage("Hello Bob!", "WHISPER", "Common", "Bob")
menu:AddItem('Close', function()
-- do nothing, just close.
local f = SomeClickableFrame
f:SetScript('OnClick', function(self, button)
- .menuItems
- Table. Stores the menu items.
- .anchor
- String. The anchor.
- .x
- The x offset
- .y
- The y offset
- .displayMode
- The display mode.
- .autoHideDelay
- The time it takes for the menu to automatically hide.
- .menuFrame
- The menu frame.
- .uniqueID
- A self incrementing number used to ensure that the generic menu frame is unique.
- .isTitle
- Is this menu item a header? 1 if yes, nil if no.
- :Activate()
- Creates the menu frame if it has not already been set with :SetMenuFrame().
- :AddItem(<string> text, <function> func, <number> isTitle)
- Add a menu item with text text that does func. Requires at least 1.
- :GetAttribute(<string|number> text, <string|number> attribute)
- Gets an attribute for the given menu item.
- :New()
- Allocate memory for the new menu and set the defaults. Required. Returns the menu.
- :RemoveItem(<string> text)
- Remove the first menu item that matches text
- :SetAnchor(<string> anchor)
- Set the anchor. Optional. Default: "cursor"
- :SetAttribute(<string|number> text, <string|number> attribute, <string|number> value)
- Sets an attribute for the given menu item.
- :SetDisplayMode(<string> displayMode)
- Set the displayMode. Optional. Default: "MENU"
- :SetAutoHideDelay(<number> autoHideDelay)
- Set the autoHideDelay. Optional. Default: nil (does not auto close)
- :SetMenuFrame(<menuFrame> menuFrame)
- Set the menuFrame. Optional. Default: self generating menuFrame. If set, this must be a frame that inherits UIDropDownMenuTemplate.
- :SetX(<number> x[, <boolean> save])
- Set the x offset. Optional. Default: nil (0 if anchor is not "cursor"). If save resolves to true, x will be added to rather than replaced.
- :SetY(<number> y[, <boolean> save])
- Set the y offset. Optional. Default: nil (0 if anchor is not "cursor"). If save resolves to true, y will be added to rather than replaced.
- :Show()
- Show the menu.
-- Set to false to use file-scoped variables or true to use the new addon-scoped variables
local useAddonScope = true
local addonName, MenuClass
if useAddonScope then
addonName, MenuClass = ...
addonName, MenuClass = "--your addon's name--", {}
function MenuClass:New()
local ret = {}
-- set the defaults
ret.menuList = {}
ret.anchor = 'cursor'; -- default at the cursor
ret.x = nil;
ret.y = nil;
ret.displayMode = 'MENU'; -- default
ret.autoHideDelay = nil;
ret.menuFrame = nil; -- If not defined, :Show() will create a generic menu frame
ret.uniqueID = 1
-- import the functions
for k,v in pairs(self) do
ret[k] = v
-- return a copy of the class
return ret
Return the index where "text" lives.
; text : The text to search for.
function MenuClass:GetItemByText(text)
for k,v in pairs(self.menuList) do
if v.text == text then
return k
Add menu items
; text : The display text.
; func : The function to execute OnClick.
; isTitle : 1 if this is a header (usually the first one)
returns the last index of the menu item that was just added.
function MenuClass:AddItem(text, func, isTitle)
local info = {}
info["text"] = text
info["isTitle"] = isTitle
info["func"] = func
table.insert(self.menuList, info)
return #self.menuList
Set an attribute for the menu item.
Valid attributes are found in the FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua file with their valid values.
Arbitrary non-official attributes are allowed, but are only useful if you plan to access them with :GetAttribute().
; text : The text of the menu item or index of the menu item.
; attribute : Set this attribute to "value".
; value : The value to set the attribute to.
function MenuClass:SetAttribute(text, attribute, value)
self.menuList[self:GetItemByText(text) or (self.menuList[text] and text) or 1][attribute or "uniqueID"] = value
Get an attribute for the menu item.
Valid attributes are found in the FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua file with their valid values or any arbitrary attribute set with :SetAttribute().
; text : The text of the menu item or index of the menu item.
; attribute : Get this attribute.
function MenuClass:GetAttribute(text, attribute)
return self.menuList[self:GetItemByText(text) or (self.menuList[text] and text) or 1][attribute or "uniqueID"]
Remove the first item matching "text"
; text : The text to search for.
function MenuClass:RemoveItem(text)
table.remove(self.menuList, self:GetItemByText(text))
; anchor : Set the anchor point.
function MenuClass:SetAnchor(anchor)
if anchor ~= 'cursor' then
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.anchor = anchor
; displayMode : "MENU"
function MenuClass:SetDisplayMode(displayMode)
self.displayMode = displayMode
; autoHideDelay : How long, without a click, before the menu goes away.
function MenuClass:SetAutoHideDelay(autoHideDelay)
self.autoHideDelay = tonumber(autoHideDelay)
; menuFrame : Should inherit a Drop Down Menu template.
function MenuClass:SetMenuFrame(menuFrame)
self.menuFrame = menuFrame
function MenuClass:GetMenuList()
return self.menuList
; x : X position
; save : When not nil, will add to the current value rather than replace it
function MenuClass:SetX(x, save)
if save then
self.x = self.x + x
self.x = x
; y : Y position
; save : When not nil, will add to the current value rather than replace it
function MenuClass:SetY(y, save)
if save then
self.y = self.y + y
self.y = y
function MenuClass:Activate()
if not self.menuFrame then
while _G['GenericMenuClassFrame'..self.uniqueID] do -- ensure that there's no namespace collisions
self.uniqueID = self.uniqueID + 1
-- the frame must be named for some reason
self.menuFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', 'GenericMenuClassFrame'..self.uniqueID, UIParent, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
self.menuFrame.menuList = self.menuList
Show the menu.
function MenuClass:Show()
EasyMenu(self.menuList, self.menuFrame, self.anchor, self.x, self.y, self.displayMode, self.autoHideDelay)
-- If you're not using the addon-scoped variables, you must have a global variable in order to use this menu.
if not useAddonScope then
_G[addonName.."Menu"] = MenuClass