WoW API type: InventorySlotName
Rather than use hard-coded ID's for inventory slots, each slot is mapped to a numeric ID at runtime using the API GetInventorySlotInfo function. This allows for future expansion and addition of new slots, as well as re-ordering of slots in the underlying code. Known slot ID's are as follows (and appear to be case insensitive):
- "HeadSlot"
- Head/helmet slot.
- "NeckSlot"
- Necklace slot.
- "ShoulderSlot"
- Shoulder slot.
- "BackSlot"
- Back/Cape slot.
- "ChestSlot"
- Chest slot.
- "ShirtSlot"
- Shirt slot.
- "TabardSlot"
- Tabard slot.
- "WristSlot"
- Wrist/Bracer slot.
- "HandsSlot"
- Hand/Gloves slot.
- "WaistSlot"
- Waist/Belt slot.
- "LegsSlot"
- Legs/Pants slot.
- "FeetSlot"
- Feet/Boots slot.
- "Finger0Slot"
- First finger/ring slot.
- "Finger1Slot"
- Second finger/ring slot.
- "Trinket0Slot"
- First trinket slot.
- "Trinket1Slot"
- Second trinket slot.
- "MainHandSlot"
- Main hand slot.
- "SecondaryHandSlot"
- Secondary hand/Off-hand slot.
- "Bag0Slot"
- First bag slot.
- "Bag1Slot"
- Second bag slot.
- "Bag2Slot"
- Third bag slot.
- "Bag3Slot"
- Fourth bag slot.
- RangedSlot and AmmoSlot were removed with Template:Cata-inline Cataclysm.