Category: Party, Raid |
? |
Category: Party |
Fired when you decline a party invite.
Category: Party |
Fired when a player invite you to party.
Category: Party |
Fired when the player's leadership changed. Referred to as buggy. |
Category: Party, Instance |
? |
Category: Party,Loot |
Fired when the party's loot method changes |
Category: Party |
REMOVED (5.0.4) - see: GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE Fired when the player's party changes. As of 1.8.3 this event also fires when players are moved around in a Raid and when a player leaves the raid. This holds true even if the changes do not affect your party within the raid. 4-2-05 Edit: This event is called twice when the event PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED is called. 7-28-05 EDIT: This event is generated when someone joins or leaves the group, also generated whenever someone rejects an invite and you're in a group. Also, if for instance you have 3 people in your group and you invite a 4th, it will generate 4 events. If you call GetNumPartyMembers() it will return 0, 1, 2, and 3. First event returing zero, 2nd event returning 1, etc etc. |
Category: Party |
Fired when a specific party member is offline or dead
Category: Party |
Fired when a specific party member is still connected
Category: Arena,Guild |
Fired when a petition is closed, e.g. by you signing it. See PETITION_SHOW. |
Category: Arena,Guild |
Fired when you are shown a petition to create a guild or arena team. This can be due to someone offering you to sign it, or because of you clicking your own charter in your inventory. GetPetitionInfo() will tell you more. |
Category: Arena,Guild |
Category: Arena,Guild |
Category: Arena,Guild |
Category: Combat,Pet |
Fired when the player's pet begins attacking.
Category: Combat,Pet |
Fired when the player's pet ceases attack
Category: Pet,Action Bar |
? |
Category: Pet,Action Bar |
Fired when pet spells are dropped into the PetActionBar.
Category: Pet, Action Bar |
Fired when pet spells are dragged from the pet spellbook or the PetActionBar.
Category: Pet, Action Bar |
Fired when the pet bar is updates. |
Category: Pet,ActionBar |
? |
Category: Pet, Action Bar |
Fired when a pet spell cooldown starts. It is not called when cooldown ends. |
Category: Pet |
? |
Category: Pet |
Fires when the pet's spell power bonus changes. Use GetPetSpellBonusDamage() to retrieve the new value. |
Category: Pet |
? |
Category: Pet |
? |
Category: Pet |
Category: Pet |
Category: Pet |
Category: Pet |
Category: Pet |
? |
Category: Pet |
Category: Pet |
Category: Raid |
This event fires when the raid leader changes the difficulty of an instance. |
Category: Bank |
This event only fires when bank bags slots are purchased. It no longer fires when bags in the slots are changed. Instead, when the bags are changed, PLAYERBANKSLOTS_CHANGED will fire, and arg1 will be NUM_BANKGENERIC_SLOTS + BagIndex. |
Category: Bank |
Fired when the One of the slots in the player's 24 bank slots has changed, or when any of the equipped bank bags have changed. Does not fire when an item is added to or removed from a bank bag.
Category: Death |
Fired when the player:
Does not fire when the player is alive after being a ghost. PLAYER_UNGHOST is triggered in that case.
Category: Buff |
11/8/2008 This was removed with 3.02. Use UNIT_AURA instead. Called when a buff or debuff is either applied to a unit or is removed from the player. (Further details to follow, study needed). Also fired when you start eating and/or drinking (which really is only a buff being applied like any other).
Category: Player |
Fired when the player is camping |
Category: Player,Combat |
Fires after the PLAYER_CONTROL_LOST event, when control has been restored to the player. |
Category: Player,Combat |
Fires whenever the player is unable to control the character. Examples are when afflicted by fear, mind controlled, or when using a taxi. |
Category: Misc |
Category: Death |
Fired when the player has died. |
Category: Player,Raid |
? |
Category: Player |
? |
Category: System,Player,Instance |
Fired when the player enters the world, enters/leaves an instance, or respawns at a graveyard. Also fires any other time the player sees a loading screen. To check if the player is entering an instance, check [[API_IsInInstance|IsInInstance]. Correction on the above comment: When PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires, you'll notice that WORLD_MAP_UPDATE fires just before it. My instincts tell that leaving an instance puts the player in void space momentarily. So for the case that you are entering AND leaving an instance, GetPlayerMapPosition always returns the coordinates [0,0] and hence there is no way to determine using the event PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD if the player is entering an instance or not. When leaving an instance the following events fire (ignoring party/raid events).
Instances do have coordinates for units once the second WORLD_MAP_UPDATE event has fired. For the case of entering a battleground such as WSG, WORLD_MAP_UPDATE won't fire until you leave Silverwing Hold or Warsong Lumber Mill and you are outside. --Salanex |
Category: Combat |
Fired when a player engages auto-attack. Note that firing a gun or a spell, or getting aggro, does NOT trigger this event. From a post by Dhrago on the WoW forums:
Category: Player,Spell |
Category: Player,Communication |
This event fires when a Unit's flags change (eg: due to /afk, /dnd, etc.)
Category: Player |
Category: Combat,Unit Info |
This event is fired whenever the player's focus target (/focus) is changed, including when the focus target is lost or cleared. |
Category: Player,Vehicle |
Category: Guild,Player |
This appears to be fired when a player is gkicked, gquits, etc. Reference handler in [DEPRECATED FriendsFrame.lua].
Category: Combat |
Fired when the player leaves combat through death, defeat of opponents, or an ability. Does not fire if a player flees from combat on foot.
Category: System |
Fired when a player logs out and possibly at other situations as well
Category: Player |
Fired when a player levels up.
Category: System |
Triggered immediately before PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD on login and UI Reload, but NOT when entering/leaving instances. Note: Player skills such as those available through GetNumSkillLines() and relatives does not appear to be available when this event or PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires during an actual player login from character-selection, as all the GetNumSkillLines()-function returns is 0 in those cases. When these events trigger from other reasons, such as zoning, the skill-related functions appear to work normally.
Category: System |
Sent when the player logs out or the UI is reloaded, just before SavedVariables are saved. The event fires after PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD. |
Category: Player,Vehicle |
? |
Category: Player |
Fired whenever the player gains or loses money. |
Category: Player,Honor |
Fired when you slay another player
Category: Honor |
Category: System |
Fired when the player tries to quit, as opposed to logout, while outside an inn. This event does not indicate that the "player has quit", but instead that the "player has the quitting option". The dialog which appears after this event, has choices of "Exit Now" or "Cancel". The dialog which appears when you try to logout outside an inn, only has a "Cancel" choice, and the event is not fired. |
Category: Instance |
? |
Category: Player,Combat |
Fired whenever you enter combat, as normal regen rates are disabled during combat. This means that either you are in the hate list of a NPC or that you've been taking part in a pvp action (either as attacker or victim).
Category: Player,Combat |
Fired after ending combat, as regen rates return to normal. Useful for determining when a player has left combat. This occurs when you are not on the hate list of any NPC, or a few seconds after the latest pvp attack that you were involved with.
Category: Player,Battleground |
Fired when the player's insignia is removed in a Battleground.
Category: Player |
Fired when the player changes between dual talent specs, and possibly when learning or unlearning talents (?). |
Category: Combat,Unit Info |
This event is fired whenever the player's target is changed, including when the target is lost.
Category: Player |
This event fires whenever a totem is dropped (cast) or destroyed (either recalled or killed).
Category: Trade |
Fired when the player trades money
Category: Death |
Fired when the player is alive after being a ghost. Called after one of:
The player is alive when this event happens. Does not fire when the player is resurrected before releasing. PLAYER_ALIVE is triggered in that case.
Category: Player |
Fired when the player starts or stops resting, i.e. when entering/leaving inns/major towns.
Category: Player |
Fired when the player's XP is updated (due quest completion or killing).
Category: Bank |
Category: Bank |
Category: Player |
Fired when the playtime state changes. |
Category: Misc |
Category: Pet |
? |
Category: Player |
? |
Category: Battleground |
? |
Category: Battleground |
? |