WoW API: UnitInBattleground
← WoW API < UnitInBattleground
Used to determine the position number of the specified unit in the battleground raid.
position = UnitInBattleground("unit")
- ("unit")
- unit
- String - The UnitId to query (e.g. "player", "party2", "pet", "target" etc.)
- position
- Number - The position in the battleground raid of the specified unit, "nil" if outside of the battleground, and 0 if "unit" is "player" and player is the last person left standing inside of a finished battleground.
local position = UnitInBattleground("player"); ChatFrame1:AddMessage('Position in battleground raid: ' .. (position or "(?)"));
- Prints the player's position number in the battleground raid. e.g. (depending on number left in battleground raid when call is made)
Position in battleground raid: (?)
Position in battleground raid: 0
Position in battleground raid: 12
- If 'UnitInBattleground("player")' call is made ...
Returns nil if outside of a battleground.
Returns '0' if you are the last person inside of a battleground after the match is over, and everybody else has left.
Returns 1-#, where # is the maximum number of players allowed in the battleground raid.