WoW API: SaveEquipmentSet

WoW API < SaveEquipmentSet

Saves your currrently equiped items into a equipement set (creates a new one or modifies an existing one) of the name specified with the icon also specified.

SaveEquipmentSet("name", icon);

(String name, Number icon)
The name you want to give the new Equipement Set
This is the index number for the icon for this Equipment Set. You can use API_GetNumMacroIcons to get the number of valid icons. The icon number does coresposnd to the order you see the icons in save equipment set window (the normal way to create equipment sets) apart from the top few are recently used ones (I think they have negative numbers) so 1 starts at the ? icon and goes upto the last icon being the number returned by API_GetNumMacroIcons


SaveEquipmentSet("DPS Gear", 769);
Would save your current equipment into an equipment set called "DPS Gear" with an Icon of a animal foot print (Icon may change if Blizzard adds more icons or removes them. I haven't tested that).

Saves your currrently equiped items into a equipement set (creates a new one or modifies an existing one) of the name specified with the icon also specified.