Widget API: Model:SetLight
← Widget API ← Model < SetLight
- Example
myModel:SetLight(true, false, 0, -0.707, -0.707, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8);
- Arguments
- enabled: boolean - appears to be true for lit and false for unlit
- omni: boolean - if the light is omnidirectional [lighting in all directions] (default of 0)
- dirX, dirY, dirZ: numbers - vector from the origin to where the light source should face
- ambIntensity: number - intensity of the ambient component of the light source
- ambR, ambG, ambB: numbers - color of the ambient component of the light source
- dirIntensity: number - intensity of the direct component of the light source
- dirR, dirG, dirB: numbers - color of the direct component of the light source
- Details
- It seems that the direct component only influences the specularity.
- The dir-vector is only used to determine the direction that the light source faces; its distance from the mesh does not affect the light level.