WoW API: GetZoneText
← WoW API < GetZoneText
Returns the localized name of the zone the player is in.
zoneName = GetZoneText();
- zoneName (string) - zone name (localized).
Message box appears displaying your current zone.
local zoneName = GetZoneText(); message(zoneName);
The event ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA is triggered when the text changes. See also the related functions GetSubZoneText and GetMinimapZoneText.
Additional note: Blizzard also registers the event ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS. If you know what this event is used for, please edit this page.
- The event ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS would most likely be used if you were creating a minimap modification to notify you that you have gone into a building to change the minimap texture and the text above it to indicate the building you are in -- Salanex
See also the related function GetRealZoneText to find the name of the instance instead of the subzone you happen to be in.