WoW API: GetSkillLineInfo
Returns the name and other information which is associated with the specific skill or skill header in the game.
skillName, isHeader, isExpanded, skillRank, numTempPoints, skillModifier, skillMaxRank, isAbandonable, stepCost, rankCost, minLevel, skillCostType, skillDescription = GetSkillLineInfo(skillIndex)
- (skillIndex)
- skillIndex
- Integer - The row of the skill display to request information from.
- skillName, isHeader, isExpanded, skillRank, numTempPoints, skillModifier, skillMaxRank, isAbandonable, stepCost, rankCost, minLevel, skillCostType, skillDescription
- skillName
- String - The name of the skill/header
- isHeader
- Flag - 1 if row is header, nil otherwise.
- isExpanded
- Flag - 1 if row is expanded, nil otherwise.
- skillRank
- Integer - The current rank for the current skill
- numTempPoints
- Integer - Temporary points for the current skill
- skillModifier
- Integer - Skill modifier value for the current skill
- skillMaxRank
- Integer - The maximum rank for the current skill
- isAbandonable
- Flag - 1 if skill can be unlearned, nil otherwise.
- stepCost
- Flag - 1 if skill can be learned, nil otherwise.
- rankCost
- Flag - 1 if skill can be trained, nil otherwise.
- minLevel
- Integer - Minimum level required to learn this skill
- skillCostType
- Integer - Unknown, seems to be related to primary and secondary skills
- skillDescription
- String - Skill Description Text, localised
for skillIndex = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local skillName, isHeader, isExpanded, skillRank, numTempPoints, skillModifier, skillMaxRank, isAbandonable, stepCost, rankCost, minLevel, skillCostType, skillDescription = GetSkillLineInfo(skillIndex) if not isHeader then print(string.format("Skill: %s - %s", skillName, skillRank)) end end
- Prints each skills's name and rank.
Two-Handed Mace - 229 Cooking - 278 Staves - 150 Leatherworking - 300
Another ExampleEdit
- Lets say you only want a specific return value, and you do not want to waste a lot of variables or characters to get it. What you can do is assign all the returns values to an array, and then select the element of the array that corresponds with the return value you want. For example if you wanted only the skillRank of riding(if you have all the secondary skills) you can use the following code:
/script array = {GetSkillLineInfo(12)} /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(array[4])
- 12 is the skillIndex of Riding.
- 4 is the index of the skillRank in the array
- For more information on this method try the Lua website:[1]