WoW API: GetShapeshiftForm

WoW API < GetShapeshiftForm

index = GetShapeshiftForm(flag);



Boolean (Optional) - True if return value is to be compared to a macro's conditional statement. This makes it always return zero for Presences and Auras. False or nil returns an index based on which button to highlight on the shapeshift/stance bar left to right starting at 1.


Number - one of following:
Any class
  • 0 = humanoid form
Death Knight (only when arg1 is nil)
  • 1 = Blood Presence
  • 2 = Frost Presence
  • 3 = Unholy Presence
  • 1 = Bear/Dire Bear Form
  • 2 = Aquatic Form
  • 3 = Cat Form
  • 4 = Travel Form
  • 5 = Moonkin Form (balance) / Flight Form (resto/feral/guardian)
  • 6 = Flight Form (balance) / Tree Form (resto)
Paladin (only when arg1 is nil)
  • 1 = Seal of Truth
  • 2 = Seal of Righteousness
  • 3 = Seal of Insight - Seal of Justice if retribution
  • 4 = Seal of Insight if retribution
In 3.3.5a it appears the function returns the currently active Paladin Aura:
  • 0 - No paladin aura active
  • 1 - Devotion Aura
  • 2 - Retribution Aura
  • 3 - Concentration Aura
  • ....
  • 1 = Chakra: Chastise or Shadowform
  • 2 = Chakra: Sanctuary
  • 3 = Chakra: Serenity
  • 4 = Spirit of Redemption
  • 1 = Stealth (3.1 - If the player has not learned the Shadow Dance talent, 1 is returned while in Stealth)
  • 2 = Stealth (3.1 - If the player has learned the Shadow Dance talent, 2 is returned while in Stealth instead of 1)
  • 3 = Shadow Dance (3.1 - This is used while Shadow Dance is active)
Note: This seems to have changed again in 3.2. It seems now that 1 is always stealth, and 3 is Shadow Dance. I have not done thorough testing to prove this though, so I'm leaving the 3.1 info.
  • 1 = Ghost Wolf
  • 1 = Battle Stance
  • 2 = Defensive Stance
  • 3 = Berserker Stance


local nStance = GetShapeshiftForm();


For some classes the return value is nil during the loading process. You need to wait until UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS fires to get correct return values.