WoW API: GetLootSlotInfo
lootIcon, lootName, lootQuantity, rarity, locked, isQuestItem, questId, isActive = GetLootSlotInfo(index);
Returns the information for a loot slot.
- Arguments
- slot
- Number - the index of the item (1 is the first item)
- Returns
- lootIcon
- String - The path of the graphical icon for the item.
- lootName
- String - The name of the item.
- lootQuantity
- Number - The quantity of the item in a stack. Note: Quantity for coin is always 0.
- rarity
- Number - 0 for grey, 1 for white items and quest items, 2 for green, 3 for blue and have not seen output with epics yet presumably it would be 4 as it has incremented so far.
- locked
- Whether you are eligible to loot this item or not. Locked items are by default shown tinted red.
- isQuestItem
- Whether or not this item is used for a quest.
- questId
- Number - the quest ID that this item is related to if isQuestId is true.
- isActive
- Unknown.
- Example
local lootIcon, lootName, lootQuantity, rarity, locked = GetLootSlotInfo(1);
- Result
- lootIcon is "Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_Coin_06"
- lootName is "3 silver 40 copper"
- lootQuantity is 0
- rarity is 0
- locked is 0
- Notes
When returning coin data, the 'quanity' is always 0 and the 'item' contains the amount and text. It also includes a line break after each type of coin. The linebreak can be removed by string substitution.
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("coins: "..string.gsub(item,"\n"," "),1,1,1);