WoW API: GetItemInfo
← WoW API < GetItemInfo
Return information about a specific item.
itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo(itemID or "itemString" or "itemName" or "itemLink")
- (itemId or "itemString" or "itemName" or "itemLink")
- itemId
- Integer - The numeric ID of the item. ie. 12345
- itemString
- String - The full item ID in string format, e.g. "item:12345:0:0:0:0:0:0:0".
- Also supports partial itemStrings, by filling up any missing ":x" value with ":0", e.g. "item:12345:0:0:0"
- itemName
- String - The Name of the Item, ex: "Hearthstone"
- The item must have been equiped, in your bags or in your bank once in this session for this to work.
- "itemName", "itemLink", itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, "itemType", "itemSubType", itemStackCount, "itemEquipLoc", "invTexture", "itemSellPrice"
- itemName
- String - The name of the item.
- itemLink
- String - The item Link; you will see the clickable Link instead of the string. (String, such as: "|cFFFFFFFF|Hitem:12345:0:0:0|h[Item Name]|h|r")
- itemRarity
- Integer - The quality of the item. The value is 0 to 7, which represents Poor to Heirloom.
- itemLevel
- Integer - The item level of this item.
- itemMinLevel
- Integer - The minimum level required to use the item, 0 meaning no level requirement.
- itemType
- String - The type of the item: Armor, Weapon, Quest, Key, etc.
- itemSubType
- String - The sub-type of the item: Enchanting, Cloth, Sword, etc. See itemType.
- itemStackCount
- Integer - How many of the item per stack: 20 for Runecloth, 1 for weapon, 100 for Alterac Ram Hide, etc.
- itemEquipLoc
- String - Where the item may be equipped, if it can. If not equippable, this is an empty string, "". The string returned is also the name of a global string variable, i.e. for "INVTYPE_HEAD", _G["INVTYPE_HEAD"] is a localized, displayable name of the location.
- itemTexture
- String (number) - Texture Id of the item icon.
- itemSellPrice
- Integer - Items vendor value, in copper. Will need to be parsed into gold, silver, copper. Format ggggsscc.
local sName, sLink, iRarity, iLevel, iMinLevel, sType, sSubType, iStackCount = GetItemInfo(16846); message(sName..","..iRarity..","..sType..","..iStackCount);
- Message box will pop-up with - "Giantstalker's Helmet,4,Armor,1".
- If you have never seen the item that belongs to the Item ID or Item Link it will return nil.
- All string returns (itemName, itemType, itemSubType) are localized. Prior to 1.9, itemEquipLoc was localized also.
- Patch 3.2 - 11th returned value is the Vendor Sell Price for that item.
- Patch 7.0.3 - itemTexture is now returned as a texture id, type number, rather than the full texture path as a string from before.