WoW API: UnitAffectingCombat
← WoW API < UnitAffectingCombat
Determine whether a unit is in combat or has aggro.
affectingCombat = UnitAffectingCombat("unit");
- ("unit")
- unit
- String - The UnitId of the unit to check (Tested with "player", "pet", "party1", hostile "target")
- affectingCombat
- Flag - Returns 1 if the unit is in combat or has aggro, nil otherwise.
- Goes true when initiating combat.
- Goes true if aggroed, even if enemy doesn't land a blow.
- If a hunter, then goes true shortly after pet enters combat.
- If using timed spell such as aimed shot, goes true when spell fires (not during charge up).
- Goes to false on death.
- Is false if the unit being checked for agro is out of range, or in another zone.
Note: remains false if a unit is proximity-aggroed. It wont go true until it either attacks or is attacked.