Widget API: UIObject:SetAlpha

Revision as of 19:48, 2 February 2007 by WoWWiki>WoWWiki-Flick (Parent/child alpha relationship is not multiplicative)

Widget API ← UIObject < SetAlpha

Sets the alpha (transparency) of the given object.



Number - a floating-point number between 0 and 1. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is transparent.



Makes the frame translucent, more visible than not.


Transparency is not applied to child objects the same as scaling. The parent frame's alpha is inherited if and only if the child's alpha has not been set or has been set to 1. If the child frame's alpha has been set to anything other than 1, then that alpha value is absolute and is unaffected by the parent frame's alpha setting, meaning a parent frame can be "dimmer" than its child frames.

Note: it may have behaved multiplicatively like SetScale() in previous patches, and the current behavior (patch 2.06) may be a bug. This is unconfirmed.

If you attempt to set the same value more than once it will detect this and return early after the first attempt.