WoW API: NotifyInspect
← WoW API < NotifyInspect
Requests a unit's inventory and talent information from the server, allowing you to inspect the unit.
- unit
- String (unitId) - Unit to request inventory contents of.
Fires eventsEdit
- UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED(unit) when inventory information is updated for the inspected unit.
- INSPECT_READY when talents are available for inspection.
- You must be in inspection range of the unit (use CheckInteractDistance to check), and must be able to inspect the unit (use CanInspect to check) to request inventory information.
- Information about which items the inspected unit has equipped is available immediately after calling NotifyInspect; however, information about socketed gems is available until UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED.
- Since Patch 3.3.5, it is no longer guaranteed that the server will provide inventory information for every request; should the server choose to throttle a particular request, events indicating availability of inspection data will not fire. Tested to be throttled after ~6 requests per 10 seconds (09.03.2019).
- You should call ClearInspectPlayer once you're no longer interested in the inspected unit's inventory; this will stop WoW from receiving additional inventory/talent change notifications for the unit.