Widget API: FontInstance:SetFont
← Widget API ← FontInstance < SetFont
The function is used to set the font to use for displaying text.
- font
- String - path to the font file, relative to the WoW base directory.
- size
- Number - size in points.
- flags
- Optional String - any comma-delimited combination of "OUTLINE", "THICKOUTLINE" and "MONOCHROME".
This method applies to multiple widgets that are derived from FontInstance; for instance, SimpleHTML, EditBox and FontString widgets all have similar methods.
FontString:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", 11, "OUTLINE, MONOCHROME")
- Slouken posted on 2006-02-09: "...each font+font-size*fontstring-scale+flags combination generates a new instance of that font (along with associated textures and vertex data)."