WoW:CVar extShadowQuality
← Console variables < extShadowQuality
Be warned, setting the shadow quality too high for your PC will bring it to its knees - work from a low setting and raise it.
This setting controls the Dynamic Shadows in-game [1].
Current Issues with Macs
Currently, shadows don't work fully in OpenGL. Using a d3d -> OpenGL interface will result in incorrect transparency within models. Using a shadow setting higher than "4" may result into a blank screen in raw OpenGL mode.
Default Setting
- 0
Possible Settings
- 0
- Off. This leaves the 'blob' type shadow only. If off, shadowLOD is activated.
- 1
- On for characters (Players, NPCs, mounts, etc) only.
- 2
- On for Environment & characters, low-res, med-distance.
- 3
- On for Environment & characters, low-res, large distance.
- 4
- On for Environment & characters, high-res, large distance.
- 5
- On for everything, shadows overlap, high-res, large distance.
Changing this setting
In-game, type the following
/console extShadowQuality setting
Alternatively, you can exit wow, open the file, and add the following line:
SET extShadowQuality setting
Or you can change the setting via the in-game Video Options.