WoW:USERAPI Frame SetManyAttributes

Revision as of 01:01, 26 May 2007 by WoWWiki>Mikk (→‎Example: Using it on a random frame)
This page documents a <i>user-defined function</i> that you can copy and paste into your addon. Replace PREFIX with your addon or lib prefix to avoid conflicts between different versions of these functions.

User defined functions

Small function to be attached to secure frames to allow for setting many attributes in a single call.

local function SetManyAttributes(self, ...)
	for i=1,select("#", ...),2 do
		local att,val = select(i, ...)
		if not att then return end


local frames = {}

for i=1,12 do
	frames[i] = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
	frames[i].SetManyAttributes = SetManyAttributes

frames[1]:SetManyAttributes("type1", "macro", "macrotext", "/equip Hydrocane")
frames[2]:SetManyAttributes("type1", "spell", "spell", "Greater Heal")

Or to just use the function on a random frame:

 SetManyAttributes(someFrame, "type1", "macro", "macrotext", "/equip Hydrocane");