Widget API: Region:IsShown

Widget API ← Region < IsShown

Determine if the object is "shown" (would be visible if its parent was visible).

shown = MyObject:IsShown();


Boolean - true if the object will be visible when its parent is visible.


if MyFrame:IsShown() and not MyFrame:IsVisible() then
    -- Frame is "shown", but not visible (one or more of its parents isn't shown)
elseif MyFrame:IsVisible() then
    -- Frame is visible on-screen!


Calling :Show() on an object will make subsequent calls to IsShown() return true. Likewise, calling :Hide() will make subsequent calls to IsShown() return nil.
When an object is initialized, the return value of IsShown() is determined by the XML-attribute "hidden" for the object.
Objects created via CreateFrame(), Frame:CreateFontString() or Frame:CreateTexture() are initially created shown.


Prior to patch 1.9, FontStrings did not have an :IsShown(). They did have an :IsVisible() method with the behaviour of :IsShown().