WoW API: UnitIsFriend
← WoW API < UnitIsFriend
This function will determine if the target is friendly towards you (i.e. is green if you target it). It has nothing to do with whether you have added the unit to your friends list or not.
- UnitIsFriend
- UnitIsFriend("unit","otherunit")
Determine whether a unit is friendly with you or not.
- IsFriend
- Returns either nil or 1, not a boolean value.
If the second parameter is "target" and nothing is targeted, this function returns nil.
- IsFriend
- /script if (UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then AssistUnit("target"); end
This will determine if your target is friendly, and if it is assist.
- Not IsFriend
- /script if not (UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then SendChatMessage("%t is evil!","SAY"); end;
This is to find if the target is not friendly with you (enemy). If you target an unfriendly target with the name "60Mage" this script will write "60Mage is evil!" in /s, using your faction's default language.