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== Reference == ''This is a WoW Reference, do not add commands from non-Blizzard sources; use [[User defined macros]] instead.'' === PvP commands === ==== Arena ==== :: ''following arena commands were removed (in 5.4)'' : [[MACRO teamcaptain|teamcaptain]] - /teamcaptain,/tcaptain - Sets the captain of an arena team you are in. : [[MACRO teamdisband|teamdisband]] - /teamdisband,/tdisband - Disbands an arena team you are in. : [[MACRO teaminvite|teaminvite]] - /teaminvite,/tinvite - Invites a member to your arena team. : [[MACRO teamquit|teamquit]] - /teamquit,/tquit - Leaves an arena team you are in. : [[MACRO teamremove|teamremove]] - /teamremove,/tremove - Removes a member of a team you are in from that team. ==== Battlegrounds ==== : [[MACRO wargame|wargame]] - /wargame,/wg - Starts a War Game. === Interface commands === These functions open a part of the Blizzard Interface : [[MACRO achievements|achievements]] - /ach,/achieve,/achievement,/achievements - Opens the Achievements interface. : [[MACRO calendar|calendar]] - Opens the Calendar interface. : [[MACRO guildfinder|guildfinder]] - /guildfinder,/gf - Opens the Guild Finder tool. : [[MACRO lfg|lfd]] - /lfd,/df,/dungeonfinder - Opens the Dungeon Finder interface. : [[MACRO lfr|lfr]] - /lfr,/raidbrowser,/rb,/or,/otherraids - Opens the Raid Browser. : [[MACRO macro|macro]] - /macro,/m - Opens the Macro interface. : [[MACRO stopwatch|stopwatch]] - /stopwatch,/timer,/sw - Opens the Stopwatch interface. === Chat commands === : [[MACRO afk|afk]] - /afk,/away - Marks you as "Away From Keyboard". : [[MACRO announce|announce]] - /announce,/ann - Toggle channel announcements. : [[MACRO ban|ban]] - Bans a user from a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO battleground|battleground]] - /battleground,/bg - Sends a chat message to your battleground. : [[MACRO csay|csay]] - /c,/csay - Sends chat text to a channel. : [[MACRO chatinvite|chatinvite]] - /cinvite,/chatinvite - Invite a user to a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO chatlist|chatlist]] - /chatlist,/chatwho,/chatinfo - Displays a list of users in a chat channel, or what channels you are currently a member of. : [[MACRO chatlog|chatlog]] - Enables/disables chat logging. : [[MACRO combatlog|combatlog]] - Enables/disables combat logging. : [[MACRO chathelp|chathelp]] - /chat,/chathelp - Displays a list of commonly used chat commands. : [[MACRO ckick|ckick]] - Kicks a user from a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO emote|emote]] - /emote,/em,/e,/me - Perform an emote with the given text. : [[MACRO dnd|dnd]] - /dnd,/busy - Marks you as "Do Not Disturb". : [[MACRO guild|guild]] - /guild,/g,/gc - Sends a chat message to your guild. : [[MACRO instance|instance]] - /instance,/i - Sends a chat message to the group of your instance (raidfinder etc.) : [[MACRO join|join]] - /join,/channel,/chan - Joins or creates a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO leave|leave]] - /leave,/chatleave,/chatexit - Leaves a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO moderator|moderator]] - /mod,/moderator - Sets moderation in a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO mute|mute]] - /mute,/squelch,/unvoice - Prevents a user from speaking (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO officer|officer]] - /officer,/o,/osay - Sends a chat message to your guild's officer channel. : [[MACRO owner|owner]] - Displays or changes the owner of a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO password|password]] - /password,/pass - Sets or removes a password on a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO party|party]] - /party,/p - Sends a chat message to your party. : [[MACRO raid|raid]] - /raid,/rsay - Sends a chat message to your raid. : [[MACRO raidwarning|raidwarning]] - /raidwarning,/rw - Sends a raid warning to your raid. : [[MACRO reply|reply]] - /r,/reply - Replies to the last user to send you a whisper with a message. : [[MACRO resetchat|resetchat]] - /resetchat - Resets chat settings to default. : [[MACRO say|say]] - /say,/s - Sends a chat message to players in your immediate local area. : [[MACRO unban|unban]] - Unbans a user from a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO unmoderator|unmoderator]] - /unmod,/unmoderator - Removes moderation from a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO unmute|unmute]] - /unmute,/unsquelch,/voice - Allows a user to speak (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel. : [[MACRO whisper|whisper]] - /whisper,/w,/tell,/t,/send - Sends a private chat message to a player in a whisper. : [[MACRO yell|yell]] - /yell,/y,/sh,/shout - Sends a chat message to all players in your zone. === Character commands === These commands affect your character's status, social interaction, movement, or actions : [[MACRO dismount|dismount]] - Dismounts your character : [[MACRO equip|equip]] - /equip, /eq - Equip an item to its default slot. : [[MACRO equipset|equipset]] - /equipset - Change equipped items to a set stored in the Equipment Manager : [[MACRO equipslot|equipslot]] - Equip an item to a specific slot. : [[MACRO friend|friend]] - /friend,/friends - Adds a player to your Friends list. : [[MACRO follow|follow]] - /f,/follow,/fol - Set yourself to follow the selected target : [[MACRO ignore|ignore]] - Adds a player to your ignore list : [[MACRO inspect|inspect]] - /ins,/inspect - Opens the Inspection interface of the selected target. : [[MACRO leavevehicle|leavevehicle]] - Allows your character to exit their current vehicle. : [[MACRO randompet|randompet]] - Summons a random companion pet (non-combat pet). : [[MACRO removefriend|removefriend]] - /removefriend,/remfriend - Removes a friend from your friend list. : [[MACRO settitle|settitle]] - Sets the active title for your character. : [[MACRO trade|trade]] - Opens the trade interface with your current target. : [[MACRO unignore|unignore]] - Removes a player from your ignore list : [[MACRO usetalents|usetalents]] - Swap to a saved talent spec. (Currently nonfunctional in Patch 7.1, though it does not give an error.) === Emotes === These commands generally cause a character to 'act out' or emote. May be abreviated to any shorter length, so long as there is no other conflicting command name or abbreviated command name. For example '/congratulate' can be typed as '/cong'. {| class="darktable redlinknormal" style="width:98%; padding:1em;" |- | ''Key: * does nothing, + has sound, % has unique animation, @ only when mounted (varies by mount)'' |- | style="-webkit-columns:12em;columns:12em;" | {{gameemote||absent}} {{gameemote||agree}} {{gameemote||amaze}} {{gameemote||angry||mad}} {{gameemote||apologize||sorry}} {{gameemote|%|applaud||applause||bravo}} {{gameemote||arm}} {{gameemote|+|attacktarget}} {{gameemote||awe}} {{gameemote||backpack}} {{gameemote||badfeeling||bad}} {{gameemote||bark}} {{gameemote||bashful}} {{gameemote||beckon}} {{gameemote|%|beg}} {{gameemote||bite}} {{gameemote||blame}} {{gameemote||blank}} {{gameemote||bleed||blood}} {{gameemote||blink}} {{gameemote||blush}} {{gameemote||boggle}} {{gameemote||bonk||doh}} {{gameemote||bored}} {{gameemote||bounce}} {{gameemote|%|bow}} {{gameemote||brandish}} {{gameemote||brb}} {{gameemote||breath}} {{gameemote||brow}} {{gameemote||burp||belch}} {{gameemote|+|bye||goodbye||farewell}} {{gameemote||cackle}} {{gameemote||calm}} {{gameemote||challenge}} {{gameemote|+|charge}} {{gameemote||charm}} {{gameemote|+|cheer}} {{gameemote|%|chicken||flap||strut}} {{gameemote||chuckle}} {{gameemote||chug}} {{gameemote||clap}} {{gameemote||cold}} {{gameemote||comfort}} {{gameemote||commend}} {{gameemote||confused}} {{gameemote|+|grats||congrats}} {{gameemote||cough}} {{gameemote||coverears}} {{gameemote||crack||knuckles}} {{gameemote||cringe}} {{gameemote||crossarms}} {{gameemote|%|cry||sob||weep}} {{gameemote||cuddle||spoon}} {{gameemote||curious}} {{gameemote||curtsey}} {{gameemote|%|dance}} {{gameemote||ding}} {{gameemote||disagree}} {{gameemote||doubt}} {{gameemote||drink||shindig}} {{gameemote||drool}} {{gameemote||duck}} {{gameemote|%|eat||chew||feast}} {{gameemote||embarrass}} {{gameemote||encourage}} {{gameemote||enemy}} {{gameemote||eye}} {{gameemote||eyebrow}} {{gameemote||facepalm||palm}} {{gameemote||faint}} {{gameemote||fart}} {{gameemote|%|fear||cower}} {{gameemote||fidget||impatient}} {{gameemote|%|flex||strong}} {{gameemote|+%|flirt}} {{gameemote||flop}} {{gameemote|+|followme}} {{gameemote||frown||disappointed}} {{gameemote||gasp}} {{gameemote||gaze}} {{gameemote||giggle}} {{gameemote||glare}} {{gameemote||gloat}} {{gameemote||glower}} {{gameemote||go}} {{gameemote||going}} {{gameemote||golfclap}} {{gameemote||greet||greetings}} {{gameemote||grin||wicked||wickedly}} {{gameemote||groan}} {{gameemote||grovel||peon}} {{gameemote||growl}} {{gameemote||guffaw}} {{gameemote||hail}} {{gameemote||happy||glad||yay}} {{gameemote||headache}} {{gameemote|+|healme}} {{gameemote|+|hello||hi}} {{gameemote|+|helpme}} {{gameemote||hiccup}} {{gameemote||highfive}} {{gameemote||hiss}} {{gameemote||holdhand}} {{gameemote||hug}} {{gameemote||hungry||food||pizza}} {{gameemote||hurry}} {{gameemote||idea}} {{gameemote|+|incoming||inc}} {{gameemote||insult}} {{gameemote||introduce}} {{gameemote||jealous}} {{gameemote||jk}} {{gameemote|%|kiss||blow}} {{gameemote|%|kneel}} {{gameemote|%|laugh||lol}} {{gameemote||lavish||praise}} {{gameemote||laydown||liedown||lay||lie}} {{gameemote||lick}} {{gameemote||listen}} {{gameemote||look}} {{gameemote||lost}} {{gameemote||love}} {{gameemote||luck}} {{gameemote||map}} {{gameemote||massage}} {{gameemote||mercy}} {{gameemote||moan}} {{gameemote||mock}} {{gameemote||moo}} {{gameemote||moon}} {{gameemote|@|mountspecial}} {{gameemote||mourn}} {{gameemote||mutter}} {{gameemote||nervous}} {{gameemote|+|no}} {{gameemote|+|nod||yes}} {{gameemote||nosepick||pick}} {{gameemote||object||holdit}} {{gameemote||offer}} {{gameemote|+|oom}} {{gameemote|+|openfire}} {{gameemote||pack}} {{gameemote||panic}} {{gameemote||pat}} {{gameemote||peer}} {{gameemote||pet}} {{gameemote||pinch}} {{gameemote||pity}} {{gameemote||plead}} {{gameemote|%|point}} {{gameemote||poke}} {{gameemote||ponder}} {{gameemote||pounce}} {{gameemote||pout}} {{gameemote||pray}} {{gameemote||promise}} {{gameemote||proud}} {{gameemote||pulse}} {{gameemote||punch}} {{gameemote||purr}} {{gameemote||puzzled}} {{gameemote||raise||volunteer}} {{gameemote|+|rasp}} {{gameemote||ready||rdy}} {{gameemote||regret}} {{gameemote|+|retreat||flee}} {{gameemote||revenge}} {{gameemote|%|roar||rawr}} {{gameemote||rofl}} {{gameemote||rolleyes||eyeroll}} {{gameemote|%|rude}} {{gameemote||ruffle}} {{gameemote||sad}} {{gameemote|%|salute}} {{gameemote||scared}} {{gameemote||scoff}} {{gameemote||scold}} {{gameemote||scowl}} {{gameemote||scratch||cat||catty}} {{gameemote||search}} {{gameemote||sexy}} {{gameemote||shake||rear}} {{gameemote||shakefist||fist}} {{gameemote||shifty}} {{gameemote||shimmy}} %{{Gameemote||shindig}} {{gameemote||shiver}} {{gameemote||shoo||pest}} {{gameemote||shout||holler}} {{gameemote||shrug}} {{gameemote||shudder}} {{gameemote|%|shy}} {{gameemote||sigh}} {{gameemote||signal}} {{gameemote||silence||shush}} {{gameemote|+|silly}} {{gameemote||sing}} {{gameemote|%|sit}} {{gameemote||slap}} {{gameemote|%|sleep}} {{gameemote||smack}} {{gameemote||smile}} {{gameemote||smirk}} {{gameemote||snap}} {{gameemote||snarl}} {{gameemote||sneak}} {{gameemote||sneeze}} {{gameemote||snicker}} {{gameemote||sniff}} {{gameemote||snort}} {{gameemote||snub}} {{gameemote||soothe}} {{gameemote||spit}} {{gameemote||spoon}} {{gameemote||squeal}} {{gameemote||stand}} {{gameemote||stare}} {{gameemote||stink||smell}} {{gameemote||surprised}} {{gameemote||surrender}} {{gameemote||suspicious}} {{gameemote||sweat}} {{gameemote|%|talk}} {{gameemote||talkex||excited}} {{gameemote||talkq||question}} {{gameemote||tap}} {{gameemote||taunt}} {{gameemote||tease}} {{gameemote|+|thank||thanks||ty}} {{gameemote||think}} {{gameemote||thirsty}} {{gameemote||threaten||doom||wrath}} {{gameemote||tickle}} {{gameemote||tired}} {{gameemote|+|train}} {{gameemote||truce}} {{gameemote||twiddle}} {{gameemote|<nowiki>*</nowiki>|unused}} {{gameemote||veto}} {{gameemote||victory}} {{gameemote||violin}} {{gameemote|+|wait}} {{gameemote||warn}} {{gameemote|%|wave}} {{gameemote|+|welcome}} {{gameemote||whine}} {{gameemote||whistle}} {{gameemote||wink}} {{gameemote|%|woot}} {{gameemote||work}} {{gameemote|%|yawn}} |} === Combat commands === These functions pertain to combat : [[MACRO cancelaura|cancelaura]] - Cancels (turns off) an aura you have. : [[MACRO cancelqueuedspell|cancelqueuedspell]] - /cancelqueuedspell,/cqs - Cancels casting of the spell you have in the queue. : [[MACRO cancelform|cancelform]] - Cancels your current shapeshift form. : [[MACRO cast|cast]] - /cast,/spell,/use - Uses the given item or casts the given spell. : [[MACRO castglyph|castglyph]] - Activates a glyph. : [[MACRO castrandom|castrandom]] - /castrandom,/userandom - Casts a random spell from the given list. : [[MACRO castsequence|castsequence]] - Casts the given spells in sequential order. : [[MACRO changeactionbar|changeactionbar]] - Changes your current action bar page. : [[MACRO duel|duel]] - Challenge another player to a duel : [[MACRO forfeit|forfeit]] - /forfeit,/yield,/concede - Forfeit a duel. : [[MACRO pvp|pvp]] - Sets whether or not you are attackable by other players. : [[MACRO startattack|startattack]] - Turns on auto-attack. : [[MACRO stopattack|stopattack]] - Turns off auto-attack. : [[MACRO stopcasting|stopcasting]] - Stops casting or channeling. : [[MACRO swapactionbar|swapactionbar]] - Swaps between two given action bars. === Guild commands === : [[MACRO guilddemote|guilddemote]] - /gdemote,/guilddemote - Demotes a guild-member. : [[MACRO guilddisband|guilddisband]] - /gdisband,/guilddisband - Disbands a guild. : [[MACRO guildinfo|guildinfo]] - /ginfo,/guildinfo - Displays information about your guild. : [[MACRO guildinvite|guildinvite]] - /ginvite,/guildinvite - Invites a player to join your guild. : [[MACRO guildleader|guildleader]] - /gleader,/guildleader - Makes another guild member the new Guild Master. : [[MACRO guildquit|guildquit]] - /gquit,/guildquit - Removes your character from your current guild. : [[MACRO guildmotd|guildmotd]] - /gmotd,/guildmotd - Sets the guild Message of the Day. : [[MACRO guildpromote|guildpromote]] - /gpromote,/guildpromote - Promotes a guild member to the next higher rank. : [[MACRO guildroster|guildroster]] - /groster,/guildroster - Opens the Guild window. : [[MACRO guildremove|guildremove]] - /guildremove,/gremove,/gkick - Removes a member of your guild from your guild. === Party and Raid commands=== : [[MACRO clearmainassist|clearmainassist]] - /clearmainassist,/clearma,/mainassistoff,/maoff - Clears the current Main Assist. : [[MACRO clearmaintank|clearmaintank]] - /clearmaintank,/clearmt,/maintankoff,/mtoff - Clears the current Main Tank. : [[MACRO clearworldmarker|clearworldmarker]] - /clearworldmarker,/cwm - Clears world markers : [[MACRO invite|invite]] - /inv,/invite - Invites a player to your party or raid. : [[MACRO ffa|ffa]] - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Free-For-All. : [[MACRO group|group]] - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Group Loot. : [[MACRO master|master]] - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Master Loot. : [[MACRO mainassist|mainassist]] - /mainassist,/ma - Set the main assist. : [[MACRO maintank|maintank]] - /maintank,/mt - Set the main tank. : [[MACRO needbeforegreed|needbeforegreed]] - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Need Before Greed. : [[MACRO promote|promote]] - /pr,/promote - Promotes the given member to Party or Raid leader. : [[MACRO raidinfo|raidinfo]] - Shows you what instances you are saved to, along with the Instance ID. : [[MACRO readycheck|readycheck]] - Performs a ready check in your raid or party. : [[MACRO roundrobin|roundrobin]] - Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Round Robin. : [[MACRO targetmarker|targetmarker]] - /targetmarker,/tm - Sets or clears a target marker from your current target. : [[MACRO threshold|threshold]] - Sets the loot threshold to apply loot rules. : [[MACRO uninvite|uninvite]] - /uninvite,/u,/un,/kick,/votekick - Removes a player from your current party or raid. : [[MACRO worldmarker|worldmarker]] - /worldmarker,/wm - Allows placement of world markers. === Pet commands === : [[MACRO petassist|petassist]] - Sets pet to assist mode (added in Patch 4.2). : [[MACRO petattack|petattack]] - Sends pet to attack currently selected target. : [[MACRO petautocastoff|petautocastoff]] - Turn off autocast for a pet spell. : [[MACRO petautocaston|petautocaston]] - Turn on autocast for a pet spell. : [[MACRO petautocasttoggle|petautocasttoggle]] - Toggle autocast for a pet spell. : [[MACRO petdefensive|petdefensive]] - Set pet to defensive. : [[MACRO petfollow|petfollow]] - Set pet to follow you. : [[MACRO petmoveto|petmoveto]] - Set pet to move to and stay at a hover-targeted location. : [[MACRO petpassive|petpassive]] - Set pet to passive mode. : [[MACRO petstay|petstay]] - Set pet to stay where it is at. === System commands === : [[MACRO console|console]] - Allows user to view or change global client-side options, or perform certain system commands. : [[MACRO click| click]] - Simulate a mouse click on a button. : [[MACRO disableaddons|disableaddons]] - Disables all addons and reloads the UI. : [[MACRO dump|dump]] - Displays the value of a given variable. : [[MACRO enableaddons|enableaddons]] - Enables all addons and reloads the UI. : [[MACRO eventtrace|eventtrace]] - /eventtrace,/etrace - Allows the user to trace events in-game. : [[MACRO framestack|framestack]] - /framestack,/fstack - Allows the user to see all frames under the cursor. : [[MACRO help|help]] - /h,/help,/? - Displays a help message with some basic commands. : [[MACRO logout|logout]] - /camp,/logout - Logs your character out of the game, back to the character selection screen. : [[MACRO macrohelp|macrohelp]] - Displays a help message with basic information about creating and using macros. : [[MACRO played|played]] - Displays information about your character's time logged in. : [[MACRO quit|quit]] - /quit,/exit - Exits the game. : [[MACRO random|random]] - /random,/rand,/rnd,/roll - Generates a random number from 1 to 100. "/random X" rolls a number from 1 to X, "/random X Y" rolls a number from X though Y. : [[MACRO reload|reload]] - Reloads the User Interface. : [[MACRO script|script]] - /script,/run - Runs a block of LUA code. : [[MACRO stopmacro|stopmacro]] - Stop processing the current macro. : [[MACRO time|time]] - Displays the current time : [[MACRO timetest|timetest]] - Used for benchmarking, also shows FPS. : [[MACRO who|who]] - Shows you a list of people matching filtering options. === Targeting functions=== : [[MACRO assist|assist]] - /assist,/a - Targets a player's target. : [[MACRO clearfocus|clearfocus]] - Clears the current focus target. : [[MACRO cleartarget|cleartarget]] - Clears the current target. : [[MACRO focus|focus]] - Set a focus target : [[MACRO target|target]] - /target,/tar - Target the given unit by name. : [[MACRO targetenemy|targetenemy]] - Target the given hostile unit by name. : [[MACRO targetenemyplayer|targetenemyplayer ]] - Target the given hostile player by name. : [[MACRO targetexact|targetexact]] - Target the unit by exact name match. : [[MACRO targetfriend|targetfriend]] - Target the friendly unit by name. : [[MACRO targetfriendplayer|targetfriendplayer]] - Target the friendly player by name. : [[MACRO targetlastenemy|targetlastenemy]] - Target the last attackable unit you had selected. : [[MACRO targetlastfriend|targetlastfriend]] - Target the last friendly unit you had selected. : [[MACRO targetlasttarget|targetlasttarget]] - Target the target of the last unit you had selected. : [[MACRO targetparty|targetparty]] - Target a party member by name. : [[MACRO targetraid|targetraid]] - Target a raid member by name. === Disabled commands === ''The following commands are listed in the environment, except where noted, but appear to be disabled or deprecated. If you find differently, please move to the appropriate section and write a comment on it.'' : DISABLED [[MACRO gwho|gwho]] - /gwho,/whoguild,/glist - ? Either predates who command's more advanced options, or was intended to list guilds. No handler is defined for this. : DISABLED [[MACRO greplace|greplace]] - ? Possibly used by GMs to replace an inactive Guild Leader : DISABLED [[MACRO guildhelp|guildhelp]] - /guildhelp,/ghelp - A help text for guild commands; however, the SlashCmdList function is commented out in FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua, so it is not active in-game. : REMOVED [[MACRO lfm|lfm]] - Opened the Looking For More interface prior to patch 3.3. (removed completely in patch 4.0). : DISABLED [[MACRO moderate|moderate]] - ? Possibly used to set whether a channel was moderated, this feature was moved into the /moderator command. : REMOVED [[MACRO mount|mount]] - Use /cast now (removed in wotlk). : REMOVED [[MACRO petaggressive|petaggressive]] - aggressive AI was replaced with assist (removed with Patch 4.2). : DISABLED [[MACRO saveguildroster|saveguildroster]] - Saves the Guild Roster as a text file (disabled in Patch 3.2.2 due to the implementation of the Armory). : DISABLED [[MACRO token|token]] - /token,/tk - ? Not sure what this was intended to be : DISABLED [[MACRO v|v]] - ? Voice macro, possibly reserved for future use as a voice command
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