WoW:Telepathy (AddOn)/ChangeLog
WoW AddOn Library Sub-Page
Telepathy (AddOn) ยป ChangeLog
This article is a part of the documentation of the Telepathy function library
- Updated Embedded Deps
- Updated for Lua 5.1 and WoW 2.0
- Fixed Sea.util.split reference
- Updated to include Satellite v1.6
- Updated to include ChatThrottleLib v11
- Fixed standalone dependencies
- Removed Versioning code
- Duplicate Listeners now replace each other and print debug rather than throwing errors
- Fixed parsing error in packetizeMessage
- Added a two digit number to the datagram syntax to indicate message index to further specify multi-part messages that are received non-linearly
- Added VARIABLES_LOADED to ADDON_LOADED for embedding
- Added replace=true to the slash command registration to avoid duplicate registration errors when embedded
- Misc Bug Fixes and Optimizations thanks for ckknight's review
- Made SLURRED_SPEECH de-localized
- Added a check in sendMessage to make sure you aren't sending formatting characters
- Initial Release
- Created MobileBarTemplate for instantiation.
- Made Mobile: LootFrame, QuestLogFrame, FriendsFrame, CharacterFrame, SpellBookFrame.